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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 kard mG[KaRDiNaL] 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 17:27:20 1y3M BW 1.21+ None Retro 1.2 Blizz O88b_ Melee 09:22 ZvT nOm.attentat 🆚 mG[KaRDiNaL] nOm.attentatZ·231·170⑪ 🆚 mG[KaRDiNaL]T·177·128⑧ 231 🆚 177 170 🆚 128 11 🆚 8 200-300 4 0 1 1 2023-10-31 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
2 kard mG[KaRDiNaL] 2023-10-15 2023-10-15 17:11:38 1y3M BW 1.21+ None Polypoid 1.75 Blizz xQyFf Melee 13:20 ZvT nOm.attentat 🆚 mG[KaRDiNaL] nOm.attentatZ·238·188④ 🆚 mG[KaRDiNaL]T·169·140⑧ 238 🆚 169 188 🆚 140 4 🆚 8 200-300 3 0 2 1 2023-10-31 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
3 YdDQEIsWuZru nOm.attentat 2023-08-12 2023-08-12 15:27:00 1y5M BW 1.21+ Blizzard 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 08:21 ZvZ nOm.attentat 🆚 3Shine_Tactics nOm.attentatZ·251·178① 🆚 3Shine_TacticsZ·248·236⑧ 251 🆚 248 178 🆚 236 1 🆚 8 200-300 3 0 1 2023 S2·KR·C1618 1 2023-08-13 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
4 OVp`PKp_CKmC lIlllIIIlllIIlI 2023-08-12 2023-08-12 14:52:54 1y5M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.65 Blizz _gYnt TvB 13:18 PvZ lIlllIIIlllIIlI 🆚 nOm.attentat lIlllIIIlllIIlIP·244·213④ 🆚 nOm.attentatZ·237·183⑪ 244 🆚 237 213 🆚 183 4 🆚 11 200-300 3 0 0 2023 S2·KR·C1684 1 2023-08-13 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
5 `tPOdElGIVLI nOm.attentat 2023-08-12 2023-08-12 14:41:57 1y5M BW 1.21+ Blizzard 투혼 1.3 Blizz v4RTL TvB 08:40 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 angbi nOm.attentatZ·225·165⑧ 🆚 angbiP·148·131④ 225 🆚 148 165 🆚 131 8 🆚 4 100-200 3 0 1 2023 S2·US-W·C1615 1 2023-08-13 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
6 zak ash-ZakRoM 2023-08-12 2023-08-12 03:46:38 1y6M BW 1.21+ None (4)Lights Out 3.3b 7ZhKH Melee 04:35 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 ash-ZakRoM nOm.attentatZ·253·160⑪ 🆚 ash-ZakRoMP·276·173① 253 🆚 276 160 🆚 173 11 🆚 1 200-300 7 0 1 1 774 2023-10-22 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
7 zak ash-ZakRoM 2023-08-12 2023-08-12 03:34:46 1y6M BW 1.21+ None Paradiso 1.2b X23BD Melee 08:41 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 ash-ZakRoM nOm.attentatZ·236·161① 🆚 ash-ZakRoMP·232·171⑧ 236 🆚 232 161 🆚 171 1 🆚 8 200-300 8 0 1 1 774 2023-10-22 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
8 ]\xSTJWYAizL lIIlIIllIlIl123 2023-08-07 2023-08-07 00:19:36 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Vermeer SE 2.1 Blizz BJZMw TvB 11:43 TvZ lIIlIIllIlIl123 🆚 nOm.attentat lIIlIIllIlIl123T·411·211① 🆚 nOm.attentatZ·240·180④ 411 🆚 240 211 🆚 180 1 🆚 4 300- 3 0 0 2023 S2·US-W·C1630 1 2023-08-07 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
9 worst WorsT 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 17:41:38 1y6M BW 1.21+ None Retro 1.2 Blizz O88b_ TvB 17:54 PvZ WorsT 🆚 nOm.attentat WorsTP·182·167⑪ 🆚 nOm.attentatZ·218·170④ 182 🆚 218 167 🆚 170 11 🆚 4 200-300 9 0 1 1 779 2023-12-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
10 worst WorsT 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 17:35:29 1y6M BW 1.21+ None Paradiso 1.2b X23BD TvB 04:04 PvZ WorsT 🆚 nOm.attentat WorsTP·241·218① 🆚 nOm.attentatZ·257·161⑪ 241 🆚 257 218 🆚 161 1 🆚 11 200-300 9 0 1 1 779 2023-12-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
11 CNnWSU\mLBdN nOm.attentat 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 17:11:07 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 20:05 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 Coool.. nOm.attentatZ·199·154② 🆚 Coool..P·270·176⑧ 199 🆚 270 154 🆚 176 2 🆚 8 200-300 2 0 1 2023 S2·US-W·C1599 1 2023-08-07 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
12 DbNGo`uVFGmm nOm.attentat 2023-08-06 2023-08-06 17:01:41 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 04:48 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 dasadsadsda nOm.attentatZ·259·163② 🆚 dasadsadsdaP·338·166⑧ 259 🆚 338 163 🆚 166 2 🆚 8 200-300 3 0 0 2023 S2·US-W·D1536 1 2023-08-07 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
13 CwITkfDNNY[u lllllOlllllO 2023-07-19 2023-07-19 09:50:05 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Vermeer SE 2.1 Blizz BJZMw TvB 03:25 ZvZ lllllOlllllO 🆚 nOm.attentat lllllOlllllOZ·427·185⑪ 🆚 nOm.attentatZ·257·139① 427 🆚 257 185 🆚 139 11 🆚 1 300- 3 0 6 2023 S1·KR·B1939 1 2023-07-19 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
14 PbgPVMlPYw_x nOm.attentat 2023-07-19 2023-07-19 09:13:34 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Vermeer SE 2.1 Blizz BJZMw TvB 04:49 ZvZ nOm.attentat 🆚 390usdfl19023er nOm.attentatZ·237·150⑧ 🆚 390usdfl19023erZ·214·157⑪ 237 🆚 214 150 🆚 157 8 🆚 11 200-300 4 0 0 2023 S1·KR·B1765 1 2023-07-19 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
15 GlIGzJBiv]JC nOm.attentat 2023-07-19 2023-07-19 08:45:29 1y6M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Vermeer SE 2.1 Blizz BJZMw TvB 16:24 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 I'mniceplayer nOm.attentatZ·222·170⑧ 🆚 I'mniceplayerP·220·178① 222 🆚 220 170 🆚 178 8 🆚 1 200-300 3 0 0 2023 S1·KR·C1732 1 2023-07-19 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
16 PuR[PIJkORH\ nOm.attentat 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 21:46:39 1y8M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Neo Sylphid 3.0 Blizz gP0xN TvB 03:20 ZvT nOm.attentat 🆚 XinxiaoZazang nOm.attentatZ·308·178④ 🆚 XinxiaoZazangT·270·214⑫ 308 🆚 270 178 🆚 214 4 🆚 12 200-300 3 0 0 2023 S1·US-W·D1512 1 2023-06-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
17 BmFSXA[ULAM^ nOm.attentat 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 21:33:39 1y8M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.65 Blizz _gYnt TvB 07:34 ZvZ nOm.attentat 🆚 PleaseNoDie nOm.attentatZ·267·168⑧ 🆚 PleaseNoDieZ·245·195⑪ 267 🆚 245 168 🆚 195 8 🆚 11 200-300 3 0 0 2023 S1·US-W·C1725 1 2023-06-04 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
18 gWWZFwv]XdfO nOm.attentat 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 21:21:46 1y8M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.65 Blizz _gYnt TvB 09:35 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 GenomenC nOm.attentatZ·240·160⑧ 🆚 GenomenCP·240·157② 240 🆚 240 160 🆚 157 8 🆚 2 200-300 4 0 0 2023 S1·US-W·B1805 1 2023-06-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
19 OxaJuglrVBMI nOm.attentat 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 21:15:15 1y8M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Vermeer SE 2.1 Blizz BJZMw TvB 05:37 ZvP nOm.attentat 🆚 Rarroo nOm.attentatZ·234·150① 🆚 RarrooP·284·208⑪ 234 🆚 284 150 🆚 208 1 🆚 11 200-300 4 0 0 2023 S1·US-W·B1750 1 2023-06-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
20 att Cenesis7 2023-05-29 2023-05-29 00:55:35 1y8M BW 1.21+ None Paradiso 1.2 ERuFB TvB 12:31 ZvZ nOm.attentat 🆚 Cenesis7 nOm.attentatZ·209·135① 🆚 Cenesis7Z·76·63④ 209 🆚 76 135 🆚 63 1 🆚 4 100-200 3 0 34 1 2023-06-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨