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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 ~ 3v3 / 4v4 BGH #x1.05 StopCrying 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 18:35:54 11M15d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters eGA52 TvB 00:49 PZTvPTZ BroodWh0re, (_)_)========D, StopCrying 🆚 77177711, Garuxdf, |TMT|Lambda BroodWh0reP·33·33⑪, (_)_)========DZ·49·44⑫, StopCryingT·61·61⑩ 🆚 77177711P·92·79④, GaruxdfT·32·32⑥, |TMT|LambdaZ·216·119⑧ 33, 49, 61 🆚 92, 32, 216 33, 44, 61 🆚 79, 32, 119 11, 12, 10 🆚 4, 6, 8 50-100 1 0 12 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
2 ~ 3v3 / 4v4 BGH #x1.05 aDuckFartd 2024-02-25 2024-02-25 17:09:18 11M15d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters eGA52 TvB 06:03 TZPPvZTPP PurebumEvilSnob, aDuckFartd, (_)_)========D, Abstract4 🆚 KB-Z0N4, 77177711, Floydiano, IIIllllIIlllIII PurebumEvilSnobT·75·74⑫, aDuckFartdZ·74·66①, (_)_)========DP·59·57④, Abstract4P·53·49⑥ 🆚 KB-Z0N4Z·97·86⑪, 77177711T·147·123⑤, FloydianoP·158·138⑧, IIIllllIIlllIIIP·127·115⑩ 75, 74, 59, 53 🆚 97, 147, 158, 127 74, 66, 57, 49 🆚 86, 123, 138, 115 12, 1, 4, 6 🆚 11, 5, 8, 10 50-100 5 0 40 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
3 3v3/4v4 BGH 🐫💨 pookemon 2024-02-22 2024-02-22 19:23:35 11M18d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 31:13 TZZPvZPPP pookemon, (_)_)========D, WotanOrden, BroodWh0re 🆚 leonkrasich, 77177711, 12qwerqwer123, BACKlikeHERPES pookemonT·81·63⑫, (_)_)========DZ·46·40①, WotanOrdenZ·79·66⑥, BroodWh0reP·84·81⑧ 🆚 leonkrasichZ·152·112⑪, 77177711P·135·121④, 12qwerqwer123P·141·108⑤, BACKlikeHERPESP·34·33⑩ 81, 46, 79, 84 🆚 152, 135, 141, 34 63, 40, 66, 81 🆚 112, 121, 108, 33 12, 1, 6, 8 🆚 11, 4, 5, 10 50-100 4 0 109 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
4 3vs3 4vs4 BGH NO-LAG #x IIIllIIlIIlIIII 2024-02-21 2024-02-21 19:13:29 11M19d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 12:53 TPZTvZPTP 996.669, IIIllIIlIIlIIII, RadioFreeZerg32, peter_west 🆚 77177711, GOODAY1, larm911, vv1llzz 996.669T·106·99⑫, IIIllIIlIIlIIIIP·149·116④, RadioFreeZerg32Z·55·50⑤, peter_westT·68·68⑥ 🆚 77177711Z·137·123⑪, GOODAY1P·58·57①, larm911T·192·164⑧, vv1llzzP·99·95⑩ 106, 149, 55, 68 🆚 137, 58, 192, 99 99, 116, 50, 68 🆚 123, 57, 164, 95 12, 4, 5, 6 🆚 11, 1, 8, 10 100-200 6 0 11 1 2024-02-21 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
5 3v3/4v4 BGH 🐫💨 touchmybum 2024-02-20 2024-02-20 19:58:01 11M20d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 00:16 PZPvPTZ BroodWh0re, touchmybum, WotanOrden 🆚 77177711, FertileVoid, deggggs BroodWh0reP·68·60⑪, touchmybumZ·118·81⑫, WotanOrdenP·88·88⑩ 🆚 77177711P·105·101①, FertileVoidT·72·68④, deggggsZ·59·54⑧ 68, 118, 88 🆚 105, 72, 59 60, 81, 88 🆚 101, 68, 54 11, 12, 10 🆚 1, 4, 8 50-100 1 0 3 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
6 3v3/4v4 BGH 🐫💨 touchmybum 2024-02-19 2024-02-19 17:14:31 11M21d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 13:13 TZPTvZZZT kkfull, SnoobDoggyDogg, touchmybum, WotanOrden 🆚 77177711, M3cH4nIX, JinSatamoko, DePerrit0 kkfullT·98·89⑪, SnoobDoggyDoggZ·19·18①, touchmybumP·78·65⑧, WotanOrdenT·68·65⑩ 🆚 77177711Z·121·109⑫, M3cH4nIXZ·111·92④, JinSatamokoZ·72·60⑤, DePerrit0T·128·119⑥ 98, 19, 78, 68 🆚 121, 111, 72, 128 89, 18, 65, 65 🆚 109, 92, 60, 119 11, 1, 8, 10 🆚 12, 4, 5, 6 50-100 6 0 29 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
7 3v3/4v4 BGH 🐫💨 ihavediahrea 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 21:02:33 11M24d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 12:00 PPTPvPTZT BroodWh0re, ihavediahrea, OolOo_, FavelaBeggar 🆚 UNBANABLE, Ptotossistoizi, Bert123, 77177711 BroodWh0reP·83·82⑪, ihavediahreaP·75·61⑫, OolOo_T·63·62①, FavelaBeggarP·55·54⑩ 🆚 UNBANABLEP·48·48④, PtotossistoiziT·220·160⑤, Bert123Z·101·92⑥, 77177711T·137·125⑧ 83, 75, 63, 55 🆚 48, 220, 101, 137 82, 61, 62, 54 🆚 48, 160, 92, 125 11, 12, 1, 10 🆚 4, 5, 6, 8 50-100 4 0 47 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
8 BGH 3v3-4v4 BigKiltro 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 19:41:59 11M24d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 07:11 TPZTvTTZP s224488, BigKiltro, Jeffster, player450 🆚 Artky., 77177711, Negarium, Rano s224488T·188·163⑫, BigKiltroP·68·64①, JeffsterZ·104·98⑤, player450T·222·142⑩ 🆚 Artky.T·240·128⑪, 77177711T·155·132④, NegariumZ·54·50⑥, RanoP·67·65⑧ 188, 68, 104, 222 🆚 240, 155, 54, 67 163, 64, 98, 142 🆚 128, 132, 50, 65 12, 1, 5, 10 🆚 11, 4, 6, 8 100-200 6 0 12 1 2024-02-21 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
9 BGH 3v3-4v4 BigKiltro 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 19:39:46 11M24d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 00:00 TPPvPZ player450, freely, BigKiltro 🆚 77177711, Negarium player450T·0·0④, freelyP·0·0⑥, BigKiltroP·357·357⑩ 🆚 77177711P·0·0⑪, NegariumZ·0·0⑤ 0, 0, 357 🆚 0, 0 0, 0, 357 🆚 0, 0 4, 6, 10 🆚 11, 5 50-100 1 0 0 1 2024-02-21 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
10 3v3/4v4 BGH 🐫💨 ihavediahrea 2024-02-16 2024-02-16 19:13:06 11M24d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters IhqCV TvB 10:41 TZPPvZPZP OolOo_, ihavediahrea, FavelaBeggar, FAGLING 🆚 hqwrffasdhbqwar, chinchanitopro, player450, 77177711 OolOo_T·68·65⑫, ihavediahreaZ·77·49⑥, FavelaBeggarP·54·52⑧, FAGLINGP·87·87⑩ 🆚 hqwrffasdhbqwarZ·140·114⑪, chinchanitoproP·118·112①, player450Z·156·112④, 77177711P·159·142⑤ 68, 77, 54, 87 🆚 140, 118, 156, 159 65, 49, 52, 87 🆚 114, 112, 112, 142 12, 6, 8, 10 🆚 11, 1, 4, 5 100-200 4 0 15 2 2024-02-21 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨
11 2v2 3v3 4v4 BGH 3V3 HokageNaruto 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 23:59:13 1y BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters reQTZ TvB 00:00 ZZZvTP GABRIEL2000, HokageNaruto, Eppuni 🆚 77177711, WotanOrden GABRIEL2000Z·0·0④, HokageNarutoZ·0·0⑥, EppuniZ·0·0⑧ 🆚 77177711T·0·0⑪, WotanOrdenP·0·0⑩ 0, 0, 0 🆚 0, 0 0, 0, 0 🆚 0, 0 4, 6, 8 🆚 11, 10 0-50 2 0 0 1 2024-04-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get 👨⁠Players 📊 👨