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1 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 +50 BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 09:51:35 1d6h BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 18:01 PTPvTTZ Chapter1, Chestie, Dakota_Fanning 🆚 veggie_butcher, Sabotage!!, letsfkrussians Chapter1P·65·63⑪, ChestieT·121·114⑫, Dakota_FanningP·137·117⑥ 🆚 veggie_butcherT·48·47①, Sabotage!!T·93·91⑤, letsfkrussiansZ·96·70⑧ 65, 121, 137 🆚 48, 93, 96 63, 114, 117 🆚 47, 91, 70 11, 12, 6 🆚 1, 5, 8 50-100 0 1 17 1 2024-10-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 +50 BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-10-02 2024-10-02 09:27:31 1d6h BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 20:31 TPZvPPP Sabotage!!, Chapter1, Dakota_Fanning 🆚 R3LenTLes5, Ytan, wnr75 Sabotage!!T·104·103①, Chapter1P·66·64④, Dakota_FanningZ·168·154⑥ 🆚 R3LenTLes5P·180·101⑫, YtanP·37·37⑤, wnr75P·229·200⑩ 104, 66, 168 🆚 180, 37, 229 103, 64, 154 🆚 101, 37, 200 1, 4, 6 🆚 12, 5, 10 100-200 0 0 12 1 2024-10-02 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 3 vs 3 BGH bgh BGH. MOOcchi 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 22:09:35 1d17h BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 21:07 ZTZvZPT Howdoyouwin, F25, MOOcchi 🆚 Dakota_Fanning, [Jos], JORVE HowdoyouwinZ·164·128⑪, F25T·76·74⑫, MOOcchiZ·129·101⑧ 🆚 Dakota_FanningZ·139·128⑤, [Jos]P·80·77⑥, JORVET·105·89⑩ 164, 76, 129 🆚 139, 80, 105 128, 74, 101 🆚 128, 77, 89 11, 12, 8 🆚 5, 6, 10 100-200 0 0 1 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 3v3 4v4 bgh PIZZAOLI CABR0NAS 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 22:01:06 1d17h BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters (Remastered) Dfy3S TvB 06:51 TZPvPPZ BaHaMuTxTears, northern_J, CABR0NAS 🆚 Dakota_Fanning, 6X6KaZuYa6X6, [[ERICKSON]] BaHaMuTxTearsT·208·158④, northern_JZ·212·177⑤, CABR0NASP·194·132⑧ 🆚 Dakota_FanningP·162·131⑪, 6X6KaZuYa6X6P·40·39⑫, [[ERICKSON]]Z·110·97⑥ 208, 212, 194 🆚 162, 40, 110 158, 177, 132 🆚 131, 39, 97 4, 5, 8 🆚 11, 12, 6 100-200 0 0 6 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 SAB BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 21:46:28 1d18h BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:04 PPZvTZP Tuggback, AngeIs., TomB 🆚 TerryTheTerran, Dakota_Fanning, 1ManZerg TuggbackP·115·114④, AngeIs.P·189·156⑧, TomBZ·209·165⑩ 🆚 TerryTheTerranT·126·117⑫, Dakota_FanningZ·137·126⑤, 1ManZergP·205·138⑥ 115, 189, 209 🆚 126, 137, 205 114, 156, 165 🆚 117, 126, 138 4, 8, 10 🆚 12, 5, 6 100-200 0 0 8 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 2v2 big game hunters KGBKGB 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 08:51:44 10d7h BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 12:31 PZvZT KGBKGB, GorillaNUTZ 🆚 dormikum4, Dakota_Fanning KGBKGBP·46·46⑫, GorillaNUTZZ·57·50⑧ 🆚 dormikum4Z·93·81④, Dakota_FanningT·164·147⑩ 46, 57 🆚 93, 164 46, 50 🆚 81, 147 12, 8 🆚 4, 10 50-100 2 1 4 1 2024-09-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 +50 BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-09-20 2024-09-20 13:05:38 13d2h BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 21:41 TPTvPTZ Gsra, Dakota_Fanning, C123002 🆚 MSK-ODA, CentauriProxima, Freman[FM] GsraT·54·52⑫, Dakota_FanningP·183·165①, C123002T·112·108⑥ 🆚 MSK-ODAP·95·94⑪, CentauriProximaT·91·78⑧, Freman[FM]Z·155·148⑩ 54, 183, 112 🆚 95, 91, 155 52, 165, 108 🆚 94, 78, 148 12, 1, 6 🆚 11, 8, 10 100-200 1 0 4 1 2024-09-20 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 +50 BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 07:52:58 21d8h BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 15:07 ZZPvTPP MangoHero, 220, Liverpoolian 🆚 Dakota_Fanning, vraul78, RaFF MangoHeroZ·225·183⑪, 220Z·75·66①, LiverpoolianP·132·125⑧ 🆚 Dakota_FanningT·192·174⑫, vraul78P·51·51④, RaFFP·145·93⑩ 225, 75, 132 🆚 192, 51, 145 183, 66, 125 🆚 174, 51, 93 11, 1, 8 🆚 12, 4, 10 100-200 3 0 7 1 2024-09-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 BGH33//44 waliiiid 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 16:48:50 1M2d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters knmbF TvB 21:27 PZZZvTTPT Dakota_Fanning, Elzp, waliiiid, cacamaca 🆚 2Pacalypse, bonebutter, +WURZEL+, moorpony Dakota_FanningP·191·175⑪, ElzpZ·182·147⑫, waliiiidZ·154·118④, cacamacaZ·117·96⑤ 🆚 2PacalypseT·192·155①, bonebutterT·141·132⑥, +WURZEL+P·70·69⑧, moorponyT·109·105⑩ 191, 182, 154, 117 🆚 192, 141, 70, 109 175, 147, 118, 96 🆚 155, 132, 69, 105 11, 12, 4, 5 🆚 1, 6, 8, 10 100-200 6 2 35 1 2024-08-31 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 +50 BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 09:14:27 1M6d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:02 TZZvPZP Dakota_Fanning, praxo, Liverpoolian 🆚 ELVIS, Evolve, wbf Dakota_FanningT·185·168⑪, praxoZ·119·98⑤, LiverpoolianZ·111·95⑩ 🆚 ELVISP·57·54①, EvolveZ·48·41④, wbfP·105·100⑧ 185, 119, 111 🆚 57, 48, 105 168, 98, 95 🆚 54, 41, 100 11, 5, 10 🆚 1, 4, 8 100-200 8 2 4 1 2024-08-28 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 +50 BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-08-28 2024-08-28 09:07:41 1M6d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 00:13 ZPTvZTZ Dakota_Fanning, BSL10-zYgzaG, King'sFiaccheto 🆚 Evolve, AvcaTiNuS, praxo Dakota_FanningZ·181·159①, BSL10-zYgzaGP·186·169④, King'sFiacchetoT·23·23⑤ 🆚 EvolveZ·75·75⑥, AvcaTiNuST·76·76⑧, praxoZ·111·90⑩ 181, 186, 23 🆚 75, 76, 111 159, 169, 23 🆚 75, 76, 90 1, 4, 5 🆚 6, 8, 10 100-200 16 2 0 1 2024-08-28 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 SABC BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 17:29:59 1M10d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 26:16 PTZvTPP tired15, iN3gos, KycT 🆚 wnr75, AmEbA.., Dakota_Fanning tired15P·184·143④, iN3gosT·160·155⑥, KycTZ·109·94⑧ 🆚 wnr75T·205·184⑪, AmEbA..P·101·59①, Dakota_FanningP·185·168⑤ 184, 160, 109 🆚 205, 101, 185 143, 155, 94 🆚 184, 59, 168 4, 6, 8 🆚 11, 1, 5 100-200 3 0 64 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 15:33:07 1M11d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 15:58 TZZvZPT TonyTouch, praxo, Wymiarowy 🆚 220, Lokote, Dakota_Fanning TonyTouchT·151·141⑪, praxoZ·124·102④, WymiarowyZ·137·99⑧ 🆚 220Z·73·66①, LokoteP·70·68⑤, Dakota_FanningT·184·173⑥ 151, 124, 137 🆚 73, 70, 184 141, 102, 99 🆚 66, 68, 173 11, 4, 8 🆚 1, 5, 6 100-200 4 0 25 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 15:21:13 1M11d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:19 PTPvZPZ IremiasXY, Dakota_Fanning, TonyTouch 🆚 220, Starikan, praxo IremiasXYP·28·27⑪, Dakota_FanningT·149·128⑫, TonyTouchP·124·115⑥ 🆚 220Z·89·72⑤, StarikanP·150·115⑧, praxoZ·141·120⑩ 28, 149, 124 🆚 89, 150, 141 27, 128, 115 🆚 72, 115, 120 11, 12, 6 🆚 5, 8, 10 100-200 3 0 21 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 14:49:33 1M11d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 17:19 PPPvPZZ vcdsf1205t, Dakota_Fanning, TimWakefield 🆚 ZERO-COKE, 220, I'mlearning vcdsf1205tP·202·151④, Dakota_FanningP·172·155⑧, TimWakefieldP·52·48⑩ 🆚 ZERO-COKEP·155·125⑪, 220Z·99·86⑤, I'mlearningZ·166·149⑥ 202, 172, 52 🆚 155, 99, 166 151, 155, 48 🆚 125, 86, 149 4, 8, 10 🆚 11, 5, 6 100-200 3 0 18 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 14:22:00 1M11d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:03 PPZvTPP Dakota_Fanning, LuckyLam, qlo 🆚 dedylka, PINDI, 7900XTX Dakota_FanningP·164·139⑫, LuckyLamP·75·68⑤, qloZ·138·114⑧ 🆚 dedylkaT·121·107④, PINDIP·34·34⑥, 7900XTXP·148·133⑩ 164, 75, 138 🆚 121, 34, 148 139, 68, 114 🆚 107, 34, 133 12, 5, 8 🆚 4, 6, 10 100-200 5 0 3 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 Dakota_Fanning 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 13:39:41 1M11d BW 1.21+ None Bottleneck Blizz XdVPt Melee 10:04 ZvP Tiamat Brood 🆚 Dakota_Fanning Tiamat BroodZ·0·0③ 🆚 Dakota_FanningP·152·126⑨ 0 🆚 152 0 🆚 126 3 🆚 9 100-200 2 0 0 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 +50 BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 12:03:40 1M11d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:10 ZZTvPTP Evolve, ferytfewd, Dakota_Fanning 🆚 Ans3m, Bisley, IlIIllIIllllIII EvolveZ·56·48⑪, ferytfewdZ·74·67⑫, Dakota_FanningT·171·150④ 🆚 Ans3mP·93·87①, BisleyT·120·96⑥, IlIIllIIllllIIIP·99·83⑧ 56, 74, 171 🆚 93, 120, 99 48, 67, 150 🆚 87, 96, 83 11, 12, 4 🆚 1, 6, 8 100-200 3 0 2 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 3v3 BGH !!! Branlethor 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 11:32:58 1M11d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:02 PZTvTPP Branlethor, Dakota_Fanning, super_mario 🆚 A.Vandelay, unoZerg, lllljackllll BranlethorP·88·82⑪, Dakota_FanningZ·160·148⑫, super_marioT·177·164⑥ 🆚 A.VandelayT·106·101①, unoZergP·251·182⑤, lllljackllllP·92·85⑧ 88, 160, 177 🆚 106, 251, 92 82, 148, 164 🆚 101, 182, 85 11, 12, 6 🆚 1, 5, 8 100-200 3 0 5 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 3v3 4v4 BGH :) Marinito 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 11:21:44 1M11d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters reQTZ TvB 09:09 TZPTvZZPP Dakota_Fanning, Marinito, nomotoVOLK, latecomer 🆚 DanceZealot, goontae, FiVe2Ling_AMRS, FlyStone Dakota_FanningT·144·132⑪, MarinitoZ·147·77④, nomotoVOLKP·115·105⑤, latecomerT·210·158⑥ 🆚 DanceZealotZ·224·148⑫, goontaeZ·209·126①, FiVe2Ling_AMRSP·90·87⑧, FlyStoneP·57·57⑩ 144, 147, 115, 210 🆚 224, 209, 90, 57 132, 77, 105, 158 🆚 148, 126, 87, 57 11, 4, 5, 6 🆚 12, 1, 8, 10 100-200 3 1 9 1 2024-08-23 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨