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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 06:32:56 29d6h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 04:08 ZTPvPZP NEWBaIance, Artist, Landowner 🆚 WoBuFu, [24H]MoFan, Temporarias NEWBaIanceZ·140·122④, ArtistT·212·120⑧, LandownerP·186·169⑩ 🆚 WoBuFuP·225·166⑫, [24H]MoFanZ·245·177⑤, TemporariasP·278·131⑥ 140, 212, 186 🆚 225, 245, 278 122, 120, 169 🆚 166, 177, 131 4, 8, 10 🆚 12, 5, 6 200-300 0 0 52 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 06:25:26 29d6h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 04:42 PPZvTZP Temporarias, WoBuFu, [24H]MoFan 🆚 Landowner, Artist, NEWBaIance TemporariasP·276·162④, WoBuFuP·205·149⑤, [24H]MoFanZ·249·184⑧ 🆚 LandownerT·184·154⑪, ArtistZ·198·133⑥, NEWBaIanceP·171·144⑩ 276, 205, 249 🆚 184, 198, 171 162, 149, 184 🆚 154, 133, 144 4, 5, 8 🆚 11, 6, 10 200-300 0 0 16 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 06:13:53 29d6h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 09:54 ZPTvZPP NEWBaIance, Soviet_Kingdom, Landowner 🆚 [24H]MoFan, Artist, Temporarias NEWBaIanceZ·165·143⑪, Soviet_KingdomP·205·140①, LandownerT·176·149⑧ 🆚 [24H]MoFanZ·254·177⑫, ArtistP·243·190④, TemporariasP·297·150⑩ 165, 205, 176 🆚 254, 243, 297 143, 140, 149 🆚 177, 190, 150 11, 1, 8 🆚 12, 4, 10 200-300 0 0 13 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 06:05:14 29d6h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 07:23 ZPZvPTP [24H]MoFan, Temporarias, Artist 🆚 Landowner, NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 [24H]MoFanZ·314·221⑫, TemporariasP·303·160④, ArtistZ·213·168⑧ 🆚 LandownerP·187·171⑪, NEWBaIanceT·161·138①, dkdkdkdkkd3io90P·272·181⑤ 314, 303, 213 🆚 187, 161, 272 221, 160, 168 🆚 171, 138, 181 12, 4, 8 🆚 11, 1, 5 200-300 0 0 37 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 05:38:56 29d7h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 23:52 ZZPvZTP NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, Landowner 🆚 Artist, Temporarias, [24H]MoFan NEWBaIanceZ·153·132④, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·265·167⑤, LandownerP·162·150⑧ 🆚 ArtistZ·243·187⑪, TemporariasT·276·181⑫, [24H]MoFanP·160·142⑥ 153, 265, 162 🆚 243, 276, 160 132, 167, 150 🆚 187, 181, 142 4, 5, 8 🆚 11, 12, 6 200-300 0 0 90 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 05:26:19 29d7h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 11:30 PPPvZTZ NEWBaIance, Landowner, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 🆚 [24H]MoFan, Temporarias, Artist NEWBaIanceP·164·141④, LandownerP·184·167⑧, dkdkdkdkkd3io90P·236·163⑩ 🆚 [24H]MoFanZ·245·179⑫, TemporariasT·302·175⑤, ArtistZ·236·168⑥ 164, 184, 236 🆚 245, 302, 236 141, 167, 163 🆚 179, 175, 168 4, 8, 10 🆚 12, 5, 6 200-300 0 0 74 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 05:08:23 29d7h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 05:47 ZPPvZZP [24H]MoFan, Soviet_Kingdom, Temporarias 🆚 Landowner, Artist, NEWBaIance [24H]MoFanZ·269·179①, Soviet_KingdomP·230·151④, TemporariasP·318·175⑩ 🆚 LandownerZ·194·174⑫, ArtistZ·218·172⑥, NEWBaIanceP·173·140⑧ 269, 230, 318 🆚 194, 218, 173 179, 151, 175 🆚 174, 172, 140 1, 4, 10 🆚 12, 6, 8 200-300 0 0 13 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 04:47:43 29d8h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 07:30 TZZvPPZ Artist, NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 🆚 Landowner, Temporarias, [24H]MoFan ArtistT·252·181⑤, NEWBaIanceZ·169·148⑥, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·263·165⑩ 🆚 LandownerP·179·164⑪, TemporariasP·304·156⑫, [24H]MoFanZ·226·178④ 252, 169, 263 🆚 179, 304, 226 181, 148, 165 🆚 164, 156, 178 5, 6, 10 🆚 11, 12, 4 200-300 0 0 65 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 04:10:12 29d8h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 07:28 TZPvZZP Landowner, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, NEWBaIance 🆚 Artist, [24H]MoFan, Temporarias LandownerT·191·165④, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·253·154⑤, NEWBaIanceP·174·150⑩ 🆚 ArtistZ·235·161⑪, [24H]MoFanZ·232·187⑫, TemporariasP·227·151⑧ 191, 253, 174 🆚 235, 232, 227 165, 154, 150 🆚 161, 187, 151 4, 5, 10 🆚 11, 12, 8 200-300 0 0 30 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 04:01:00 29d9h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 06:33 TZTvPPZ NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, Landowner 🆚 Artist, Temporarias, [24H]MoFan NEWBaIanceT·145·121①, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·273·135⑧, LandownerT·154·129⑩ 🆚 ArtistP·248·162⑪, TemporariasP·300·163⑫, [24H]MoFanZ·233·176⑥ 145, 273, 154 🆚 248, 300, 233 121, 135, 129 🆚 162, 163, 176 1, 8, 10 🆚 11, 12, 6 200-300 0 0 36 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 03:43:29 29d9h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 15:31 PZPvTZZ Artist, [24H]MoFan, Temporarias 🆚 Landowner, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, NEWBaIance ArtistP·227·185⑪, [24H]MoFanZ·180·151①, TemporariasP·317·167⑧ 🆚 LandownerT·187·172⑫, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·270·183④, NEWBaIanceZ·194·175⑤ 227, 180, 317 🆚 187, 270, 194 185, 151, 167 🆚 172, 183, 175 11, 1, 8 🆚 12, 4, 5 200-300 0 0 55 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-13 2024-10-13 03:19:14 29d9h BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 22:22 PZTvPTP Soviet_Kingdom, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, NEWBaIance 🆚 [24H]MoFan, Landowner, Temporarias Soviet_KingdomP·228·159④, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·247·166⑤, NEWBaIanceT·145·131⑥ 🆚 [24H]MoFanP·250·192①, LandownerT·173·161⑧, TemporariasP·305·166⑩ 228, 247, 145 🆚 250, 173, 305 159, 166, 131 🆚 192, 161, 166 4, 5, 6 🆚 1, 8, 10 200-300 0 0 54 1 2024-11-04 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 03:59:02 1M BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 10:11 TPZvPTZ Landowner, Temporarias, Artist 🆚 BSL-IMJIRAIYA, NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 LandownerT·197·173①, TemporariasP·295·180④, ArtistZ·185·153⑩ 🆚 BSL-IMJIRAIYAP·334·221⑫, NEWBaIanceT·181·160⑤, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·258·167⑧ 197, 295, 185 🆚 334, 181, 258 173, 180, 153 🆚 221, 160, 167 1, 4, 10 🆚 12, 5, 8 200-300 0 0 26 1 2024-11-03 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 3v3 BGH EXPERTS >50% NO Landowner 2024-10-11 2024-10-11 03:46:21 1M BW 1.21+ None [AI] BGH 3.0 BETA u1vdo TvB 11:37 TZTvPPT VietTL, Temporarias, Landowner 🆚 NEWBaIance, BSL-IMJIRAIYA, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 VietTLT·108·103④, TemporariasZ·274·162⑤, LandownerT·179·159⑥ 🆚 NEWBaIanceP·187·159⑪, BSL-IMJIRAIYAP·307·213①, dkdkdkdkkd3io90T·224·152⑧ 108, 274, 179 🆚 187, 307, 224 103, 162, 159 🆚 159, 213, 152 4, 5, 6 🆚 11, 1, 8 200-300 0 0 16 1 2024-11-03 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 05:54:33 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 18:38 TPPvPPZ (~_~), SOURHEAD, CreatorReal 🆚 Landowner, Temporarias, NEWBaIance (~_~)T·149·130④, SOURHEADP·205·183⑤, CreatorRealP·197·165⑩ 🆚 LandownerP·190·170⑪, TemporariasP·312·183⑫, NEWBaIanceZ·175·149① 149, 205, 197 🆚 190, 312, 175 130, 183, 165 🆚 170, 183, 149 4, 5, 10 🆚 11, 12, 1 200-300 0 0 187 2 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 05:33:32 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 17:54 ZPZvPTZ (~_~), CreatorReal, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 🆚 Landowner, Artist, NEWBaIance (~_~)Z·147·113①, CreatorRealP·180·144⑤, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·254·182⑧ 🆚 LandownerP·187·168⑪, ArtistT·224·171⑫, NEWBaIanceZ·195·162④ 147, 180, 254 🆚 187, 224, 195 113, 144, 182 🆚 168, 171, 162 1, 5, 8 🆚 11, 12, 4 100-200 0 0 272 2 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 05:23:00 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:04 ZTPvTZP dkdkdkdkkd3io90, (~_~), CreatorReal 🆚 Landowner, Artist, NEWBaIance dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·243·161①, (~_~)T·143·122④, CreatorRealP·199·165⑧ 🆚 LandownerT·181·165⑪, ArtistZ·169·119⑤, NEWBaIanceP·177·154⑥ 243, 143, 199 🆚 181, 169, 177 161, 122, 165 🆚 165, 119, 154 1, 4, 8 🆚 11, 5, 6 100-200 0 0 103 2 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 05:10:25 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 10:02 ZZZvTPP Temporarias, NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90 🆚 Hairy-Bean-Bag, Artist, Landowner TemporariasZ·310·181⑫, NEWBaIanceZ·217·180⑤, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·240·161⑥ 🆚 Hairy-Bean-BagT·189·143①, ArtistP·203·172④, LandownerP·177·155⑩ 310, 217, 240 🆚 189, 203, 177 181, 180, 161 🆚 143, 172, 155 12, 5, 6 🆚 1, 4, 10 200-300 0 0 38 2 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 04:54:12 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:47 PZZvTPT NEWBaIance, dkdkdkdkkd3io90, Landowner 🆚 Artist, Soviet_Kingdom, Temporarias NEWBaIanceP·174·153⑫, dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·253·184⑤, LandownerZ·205·183⑥ 🆚 ArtistT·257·198①, Soviet_KingdomP·152·92⑧, TemporariasT·335·201⑩ 174, 253, 205 🆚 257, 152, 335 153, 184, 183 🆚 198, 92, 201 12, 5, 6 🆚 1, 8, 10 200-300 0 0 44 1 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 3v3 BGH Win > Lose No L CreatorReal 2024-10-08 2024-10-08 04:47:15 1M3d BW 1.21+ None Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 05:50 ZPPvTPZ dkdkdkdkkd3io90, Soviet_Kingdom, Temporarias 🆚 NEWBaIance, Artist, Landowner dkdkdkdkkd3io90Z·293·183⑫, Soviet_KingdomP·227·142⑤, TemporariasP·310·191⑥ 🆚 NEWBaIanceT·165·136①, ArtistP·208·171⑧, LandownerZ·211·188⑩ 293, 227, 310 🆚 165, 208, 211 183, 142, 191 🆚 136, 171, 188 12, 5, 6 🆚 1, 8, 10 200-300 0 0 12 2 2024-10-10 📊Analyze, 👨Players 📊 👨