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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 15:01:48 3M1d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 15:31 TZPvZTP stadim, MissionWin, lIIlIIIllIIIIll 🆚 =]aBs[=Terran, vladogregor, uaAlex stadimT·203·176④, MissionWinZ·148·108⑤, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·108·92⑥ 🆚 =]aBs[=TerranZ·215·139⑫, vladogregorT·136·128①, uaAlexP·125·86⑧ 203, 148, 108 🆚 215, 136, 125 176, 108, 92 🆚 139, 128, 86 4, 5, 6 🆚 12, 1, 8 100-200 11 1 18 1 2024-07-12 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_1 +50 BghMmrBot_EU1 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 12:33:38 3M28d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 21:47 ZPTvPZP praxo, victor1985, lIIlIIIllIIIIll 🆚 Maralist86, =]aBs[=Terran, nOm.benno123 praxoZ·128·98⑪, victor1985P·106·92⑫, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·132·115⑩ 🆚 Maralist86P·96·93④, =]aBs[=TerranZ·226·149⑤, nOm.benno123P·198·128⑥ 128, 106, 132 🆚 96, 226, 198 98, 92, 115 🆚 93, 149, 128 11, 12, 10 🆚 4, 5, 6 100-200 4 0 17 1 2024-07-22 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 +50 BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 13:46:15 4M5d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:35 ZZPvTPP praxo, Veganling, NoOneEver 🆚 adi12, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, Asticot praxoZ·110·94⑪, VeganlingZ·101·92⑥, NoOneEverP·74·73⑧ 🆚 adi12T·79·78①, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·130·96④, AsticotP·280·216⑤ 110, 101, 74 🆚 79, 130, 280 94, 92, 73 🆚 78, 96, 216 11, 6, 8 🆚 1, 4, 5 100-200 8 0 11 1 2024-06-08 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 SABC BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 21:17:41 4M7d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 20:32 ZPPvPTP effort:), roko88, sitonchair 🆚 GigginoRe, Azhi_Dahaki, lIIlIIIllIIIIll effort:)Z·153·108⑪, roko88P·173·140⑫, sitonchairP·139·133① 🆚 GigginoReP·140·102④, Azhi_DahakiT·171·164⑥, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·110·99⑧ 153, 173, 139 🆚 140, 171, 110 108, 140, 133 🆚 102, 164, 99 11, 12, 1 🆚 4, 6, 8 100-200 1 0 28 1 2024-08-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 SABC BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-06-06 2024-06-06 20:53:52 4M7d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 13:39 PPPvTZZ lIIlIIIllIIIIll, Azhi_Dahaki, sitonchair 🆚 BGHZERG, AngeIs., effort:) lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·78·65⑪, Azhi_DahakiP·190·181①, sitonchairP·151·144⑥ 🆚 BGHZERGT·190·165⑫, AngeIs.Z·169·139④, effort:)Z·185·150⑩ 78, 190, 151 🆚 190, 169, 185 65, 181, 144 🆚 165, 139, 150 11, 1, 6 🆚 12, 4, 10 100-200 1 0 22 1 2024-08-25 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_3 SABC BghMmrBot_EU3 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 17:28:32 4M9d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 25:34 PZPvPPP Topper_HarIey, KycT, :+Kiss+:[LesS] 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIll, Exelero84, LogicalPhallusy Topper_HarIeyP·67·65①, KycTZ·112·92④, :+Kiss+:[LesS]P·128·114⑧ 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·101·89⑫, Exelero84P·61·59⑤, LogicalPhallusyP·198·153⑩ 67, 112, 128 🆚 101, 61, 198 65, 92, 114 🆚 89, 59, 153 1, 4, 8 🆚 12, 5, 10 100-200 1 0 46 1 2024-08-24 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 SABC BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-06-04 2024-06-04 17:15:31 4M9d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 11:02 PPPvZZT HarpyWar, LogicalPhallusy, lIIlIIIllIIIIll 🆚 Exelero84, KycT, :+Kiss+:[LesS] HarpyWarP·110·88④, LogicalPhallusyP·220·148⑤, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·106·83⑧ 🆚 Exelero84Z·113·105⑪, KycTZ·127·107①, :+Kiss+:[LesS]T·113·87⑥ 110, 220, 106 🆚 113, 127, 113 88, 148, 83 🆚 105, 107, 87 4, 5, 8 🆚 11, 1, 6 100-200 1 0 9 1 2024-08-24 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 CDE BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 17:59:43 4M13d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 03:04 ZPPvTTP WeTold_YouRush, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, uaAlex 🆚 Jazzzy, adi12, Dancho1 WeTold_YouRushZ·108·76⑪, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·183·130④, uaAlexP·293·79⑧ 🆚 JazzzyT·144·132⑫, adi12T·79·77⑤, Dancho1P·65·52⑥ 108, 183, 293 🆚 144, 79, 65 76, 130, 79 🆚 132, 77, 52 11, 4, 8 🆚 12, 5, 6 100-200 31 0 0 1 2024-06-06 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_1 CDE BghMmrBot_EU1 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 17:28:55 4M13d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 16:34 TPPvPPP lIIlIIIllIIIIll, lllIlIIlIl, KaeLi 🆚 uaAlex, adi12, Dakatabg lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·133·111⑪, lllIlIIlIlP·141·108⑫, KaeLiP·74·66④ 🆚 uaAlexP·148·101①, adi12P·91·86⑤, DakatabgP·111·100⑥ 133, 141, 74 🆚 148, 91, 111 111, 108, 66 🆚 101, 86, 100 11, 12, 4 🆚 1, 5, 6 100-200 34 7 4 1 2024-05-31 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 SABC BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-05-30 2024-05-30 19:01:29 4M14d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 06:39 PTPvTPP Megadron, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, 2Pacalypse 🆚 Luniz, ViR[ReV], HIMARS MegadronP·236·206⑪, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·158·120④, 2PacalypseP·223·154⑧ 🆚 LunizT·354·139⑤, ViR[ReV]P·187·132⑥, HIMARSP·49·47⑩ 236, 158, 223 🆚 354, 187, 49 206, 120, 154 🆚 139, 132, 47 11, 4, 8 🆚 5, 6, 10 200-300 2 0 15 1 2024-07-11 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 SABC BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-05-30 2024-05-30 17:23:43 4M14d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 13:22 TTPvZPT Moodster, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, sitonchair 🆚 ilovestar, Yellow., Luniz MoodsterT·163·87⑫, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·144·110⑤, sitonchairP·150·142⑧ 🆚 ilovestarZ·127·115⑪, Yellow.P·143·132①, LunizT·281·148⑩ 163, 144, 150 🆚 127, 143, 281 87, 110, 142 🆚 115, 132, 148 12, 5, 8 🆚 11, 1, 10 100-200 1 0 11 1 2024-07-11 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_1 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU1 2024-05-18 2024-05-18 15:53:10 4M26d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 17:21 PZZvPZP uaAlex, Asticot, Offence 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIll, Wormer, KG21 uaAlexP·142·96⑫, AsticotZ·253·193⑤, OffenceZ·182·125⑧ 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·109·84④, WormerZ·160·125⑥, KG21P·75·64⑩ 142, 253, 182 🆚 109, 160, 75 96, 193, 125 🆚 84, 125, 64 12, 5, 8 🆚 4, 6, 10 100-200 9 0 11 1 2024-05-18 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 15:04:56 4M28d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 28:02 PPZvZZP lIIlIIIllIIIIll, cantplay$h|t, BGL)Omni 🆚 lousy_robot, ChatGPT5, uaAlex lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·99·80⑪, cantplay$h|tP·99·88⑤, BGL)OmniZ·170·137⑧ 🆚 lousy_robotZ·130·112⑫, ChatGPT5Z·151·123①, uaAlexP·134·100④ 99, 99, 170 🆚 130, 151, 134 80, 88, 137 🆚 112, 123, 100 11, 5, 8 🆚 12, 1, 4 100-200 45 2 98 1 2024-05-16 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 +50 BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-05-16 2024-05-16 00:09:32 4M29d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 16:19 PPTvZZZ Martiniii, GarbagePile, lIIlIIIllIIIIll 🆚 ChichoKencho, 1lslkfndio, Haxby MartiniiiP·112·104⑫, GarbagePileP·92·89④, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·90·77⑩ 🆚 ChichoKenchoZ·137·123⑪, 1lslkfndioZ·102·81①, HaxbyZ·144·109⑧ 112, 92, 90 🆚 137, 102, 144 104, 89, 77 🆚 123, 81, 109 12, 4, 10 🆚 11, 1, 8 100-200 29 4 70 1 2024-05-16 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_1 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU1 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 15:29:55 4M29d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 10:55 TPZvZTP lIIlIIIllIIIIll, pipovich, Wormer 🆚 zerNo, Arkan, uaAlex lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·124·108⑪, pipovichP·81·80⑫, WormerZ·168·131⑥ 🆚 zerNoZ·161·139⑤, ArkanT·194·142⑧, uaAlexP·174·85⑩ 124, 81, 168 🆚 161, 194, 174 108, 80, 131 🆚 139, 142, 85 11, 12, 6 🆚 5, 8, 10 100-200 37 2 14 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 15:22:55 4M30d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 39:18 TPPvTZP stadim, DarkStarOne, uaAlex 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIll, 220, forgotor stadimT·205·183⑫, DarkStarOneP·85·83①, uaAlexP·99·85④ 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·112·106⑤, 220Z·103·86⑥, forgotorP·57·55⑩ 205, 85, 99 🆚 112, 103, 57 183, 83, 85 🆚 106, 86, 55 12, 1, 4 🆚 5, 6, 10 100-200 3 0 49 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
17 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_2 4 ra BghMmrBot_EU2 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 15:08:09 4M30d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 09:22 PTPvTZP emotional, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, uaAlex 🆚 220, _TheLeader_, DarkStarOne emotionalP·67·67①, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·143·116④, uaAlexP·143·87⑩ 🆚 220T·83·80⑪, _TheLeader_Z·142·134⑥, DarkStarOneP·100·98⑧ 67, 143, 143 🆚 83, 142, 100 67, 116, 87 🆚 80, 134, 98 1, 4, 10 🆚 11, 6, 8 100-200 2 0 18 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
18 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 +50 BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 13:45:10 4M30d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 01:42 PPPvTPT uaAlex, AgRaRaN, testosu 🆚 D4vinch0, Mumulica23, lIIlIIIllIIIIll uaAlexP·255·69⑫, AgRaRaNP·63·60④, testosuP·54·33⑤ 🆚 D4vinch0T·113·65⑥, Mumulica23P·43·43⑧, lIIlIIIllIIIIllT·119·83⑩ 255, 63, 54 🆚 113, 43, 119 69, 60, 33 🆚 65, 43, 83 12, 4, 5 🆚 6, 8, 10 100-200 1 0 4 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
19 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_4 +50 BghMmrBot_EU4 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 11:48:37 4M30d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 15:02 TPPvPTP Azsuna, proshun, GosuFear 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIll, CapaDona, uaAlex AzsunaT·65·63⑫, proshunP·65·58④, GosuFearP·238·175⑤ 🆚 lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·81·74⑪, CapaDonaT·94·87⑥, uaAlexP·101·83⑧ 65, 65, 238 🆚 81, 94, 101 63, 58, 175 🆚 74, 87, 83 12, 4, 5 🆚 11, 6, 8 100-200 4 0 33 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
20 BGH3x3 BghMmrBot_1 +50 BghMmrBot_EU1 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 11:39:04 4M30d BW 1.21+ BGH_EU Big Game Hunters Blizz tmTux TvB 08:03 PPPvTPT GosuFear, uaAlex, chobohagsalja 🆚 La_______, lIIlIIIllIIIIll, Goapsy GosuFearP·239·187⑪, uaAlexP·170·90⑥, chobohagsaljaP·188·155⑩ 🆚 La_______T·156·136⑫, lIIlIIIllIIIIllP·117·92④, GoapsyT·57·55⑤ 239, 170, 188 🆚 156, 117, 57 187, 90, 155 🆚 136, 92, 55 11, 6, 10 🆚 12, 4, 5 100-200 3 0 11 1 2024-05-15 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨