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# Title Host Date ↓ Date+Time ↓ Ago ↓ Engine Ladder Map Map Name Map Origin Map Hash Type Length Matchup Players Player descriptions - race·APM·EAPM(startdir) APMs EAPMs Start Dirs Avg APM Views DLs Chats MM Info - SN·GW·MMR Reps Event Uploaded Links Lnks
1 UtsslU_E\kHp lottogosu 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 16:25:33 2d BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.75 Blizz xQyFf TvB 16:01 TvZ lottogosu 🆚 n.Die_June lottogosuT·287·236④ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·164·151⑧ 287 🆚 164 236 🆚 151 4 🆚 8 200-300 1 0 0 2024 S2·KR·B1833 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
2 R[BSV]t`lf[j n.Die_June 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 14:09:54 2d2h BW 1.21+ Blizzard Radeon 1.0 Blizz XGEfk TvB 07:18 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 star.showerP n.Die_JuneZ·163·139① 🆚 star.showerPP·200·147④ 163 🆚 200 139 🆚 147 1 🆚 4 100-200 0 0 0 2024 S2·KR·B1817 1 2024-10-03 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
3 RgSocOMvGHQm n.Die_June 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 02:00:18 2d14h BW 1.21+ Blizzard Dominator 1.2 Blizz Ra1aF TvB 15:35 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 gagamel780 n.Die_JuneZ·168·149⑪ 🆚 gagamel780P·191·162⑦ 168 🆚 191 149 🆚 162 11 🆚 7 100-200 0 0 2 2024 S2·KR·B1811 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
4 oxAmhY\nHVIg T0oSin 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 01:56:57 2d14h BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.75 Blizz xQyFf TvB 02:49 PvZ T0oSin 🆚 n.Die_June T0oSinP·125·104④ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·97·79⑧ 125 🆚 97 104 🆚 79 4 🆚 8 100-200 0 0 1 2024 S2·KR·B1777 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
5 WFihAyx\j[HI duyeolnogg. 2024-10-01 2024-10-01 01:46:48 2d15h BW 1.21+ Blizzard 투혼 1.4 Blizz 1PnQa TvB 05:54 ZvZ duyeolnogg. 🆚 n.Die_June duyeolnogg.Z·213·174⑧ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·142·127⑪ 213 🆚 142 174 🆚 127 8 🆚 11 100-200 0 0 0 2024 S2·KR·C1624 1 2024-10-01 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
6 JjB]bIWMLNO\ n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 14:57:27 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Ringing Bloom SE 2.0 Blizz ARRVW TvB 03:13 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 SOOWANG.T n.Die_JuneZ·140·108⑪ 🆚 SOOWANG.TP·146·116④ 140 🆚 146 108 🆚 116 11 🆚 4 100-200 0 0 1 S9·KR·C1646 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
7 ][succ^RHhko n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 14:48:43 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 07:59 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 XED1048576 n.Die_JuneZ·144·132② 🆚 XED1048576P·228·176⑧ 144 🆚 228 132 🆚 176 2 🆚 8 100-200 0 0 6 S9·KR·C1664 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
8 G^nZ^^EKeMMA n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 14:28:07 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 06:54 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 sindy. n.Die_JuneZ·118·109② 🆚 sindy.P·177·147⑧ 118 🆚 177 109 🆚 147 2 🆚 8 100-200 0 0 0 S9·KR·C1645 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
9 trYCFAvZWKPh X_larGe 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 14:06:17 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Ringing Bloom SE 2.0 Blizz ARRVW TvB 21:04 PvZ X_larGe 🆚 n.Die_June X_larGeP·101·92⑧ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·176·151⑪ 101 🆚 176 92 🆚 151 8 🆚 11 100-200 0 0 19 S9·KR·C1669 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
10 jSmdwi`LAjKg n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 13:48:03 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Ringing Bloom SE 2.0 Blizz ARRVW TvB 17:41 ZvT n.Die_June 🆚 XRand n.Die_JuneZ·154·136④ 🆚 XRandT·173·154① 154 🆚 173 136 🆚 154 4 🆚 1 100-200 0 0 9 S9·KR·C1683 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
11 OKYd^ULSEFye n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 13:33:42 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Ringing Bloom SE 2.0 Blizz ARRVW TvB 13:36 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 HiByeGGyo n.Die_JuneZ·136·123⑪ 🆚 HiByeGGyoP·174·149④ 136 🆚 174 123 🆚 149 11 🆚 4 100-200 0 0 24 S9·KR·C1702 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
12 AKKvpxESKZDA ENE39 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 13:24:38 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Polypoid 1.65 Blizz _gYnt TvB 07:03 ZvZ ENE39 🆚 n.Die_June ENE39Z·220·102④ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·131·115⑧ 220 🆚 131 102 🆚 115 4 🆚 8 100-200 0 0 2 S9·KR·C1590 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
13 wLrFcBFGtCfJ n.Die_June 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 13:05:17 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Ringing Bloom SE 2.0 Blizz ARRVW TvB 05:30 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 dreamiii n.Die_JuneZ·147·132① 🆚 dreamiiiP·284·201④ 147 🆚 284 132 🆚 201 1 🆚 4 200-300 2 0 1 S9·KR·C1681 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
14 fI[BACZCPy`i MustRP 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 12:51:44 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 09:44 PvZ MustRP 🆚 n.Die_June MustRPP·186·150② 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·156·136⑧ 186 🆚 156 150 🆚 136 2 🆚 8 100-200 0 0 0 S9·KR·C1723 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
15 \EfNTn\TjFKo wG_Sys 2021-07-16 2021-07-16 12:35:07 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Optimizer 1.0 Blizz 8tS3g TvB 15:59 TvZ wG_Sys 🆚 n.Die_June wG_SysT·248·175⑤ 🆚 n.Die_JuneZ·182·155⑪ 248 🆚 182 175 🆚 155 5 🆚 11 200-300 0 0 4 S9·KR·C1733 1 2023-06-05 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨
16 QQikfdMacnSz n.Die_June 2021-07-06 2021-07-06 05:28:08 3y2M BW 1.21+ Blizzard Eclipse 1.2 Blizz Owa-Z TvB 09:48 ZvP n.Die_June 🆚 HwanJa1 n.Die_JuneZ·194·160⑧ 🆚 HwanJa1P·253·200② 194 🆚 253 160 🆚 200 8 🆚 2 200-300 0 0 0 S9·KR·D1540 1 2023-05-26 📊Analyze, ⬇Get, 👨Players 📊 👨