⚠️ RepMastered™ grows exponentially! Financial support is needed to keep growing and to remain on top! Check ⛑️⁠Donate
A StarCraft®: Brood War® game, event, player and map database, replay sharing and analyzer site.
🚪⁠Login (passwordless)


February 7, 2025🎉 🛟⁠Fundraising accomplished! 🎉

🎉 The 2025 yearly fundraising goal is accomplished! Thank You All! 🎉

Content is now unlocked for free accounts.

Check the 🛟⁠Fundraising page for details.

February 6, 2025🛟⁠Fundraising restriction easing

Changes and new features:

  • Content restriction for free accounts is eased.
    This means item listing (e.g. Games, Events, Players, Maps etc.) is now permitted, but game details, profile pages and downloads are still restricted.
    Again note that the restriction does not apply to paid accounts, they have access to the same content as before.
    If you upgrade your free account, you will regain access to full content regardless of whether the fundraising goal is reached, including the extra that comes with upgraded accounts.

    Check the 🛟⁠Fundraising page for details.
January 24, 2025Removed Player and Playmates classifications

Changes and new features:

  • Removed Player and Playmates classifications (e.g. "Human", "Computer" etc.). It added little to no value.
    Stats of computer players are not tracked anymore.
    As a result:
    • Improved performance: queries and counting are faster now.
    • Simplified UI: removed the class filters and columns
  • Computer players don't have a popup menu, but they are now marked with a 🖥️ icon.
January 20, 2025🛟⁠Fundraising

RepMastered™ grows exponentially! Check out ∑⁠Stats for exact numbers! Financial support is needed to avoid shutting down!

Content is restricted for free accounts, and will be restored once the 2025 yearly goal is reached.

The restriction does not apply to paid accounts, they have access to the same content as before.
If you upgrade your free account, you will regain access to content regardless of whether the fundraising goal is reached, including the extra that comes with upgraded accounts.

Check the 🛟⁠Fundraising page for details.

December 22, 2024🔒Reduced replay protection periods

Changes and new features:

  • Protection period for 🔒protected replays is reduced:
    • Build order protection reduced from 90 days to 60 days
    • Other info and replay download protection is reduced from 360 days to 240 days
  • The block period cut rates for upgraded account is also increased (doubled)!
    With the ✨⁠Infinity account you can get instant full access to protected replays (100% period cut)! For details, see the Account types table on the ⛑️⁠Donate page.
December 6, 2024Cached Global ∑Stats

Changes and new features:

  • As more and more replays are uploaded, providing global stats requires more and more time even though they might not change often. It takes a long time especially if new replays were uploaded since the last query.
    The Global ∑⁠Stats page is now cached!
    This means when you visit the ∑⁠Stats page, you will see the global stats immediately. At the top of the page you can see when the displayed stats were assembled, and there's a button to update the stats, should you have a desire for precise-to-the-last-replay stats.
    You don't even have to wait for the update to complete, you can wander around and when you get back, you'll see the most up-to-date stats.
December 4, 2024🔒Protected replays

Changes and new features:

  • Introducing 🔒Protected replays. Protected replays are replays of games that are automatically imported into RepMastered™ and are not (yet) public. They can be searched for and they are listed amongst other games, they are included in statistics, and you can analyze them but you can see only very limited information from them.
    Most importantly Build orders are hidden from them for 90 days, and other info (such as in-game chat, player commands) are hidden for and replay download is blocked for 360 days.
    After these periods the protection is automatically removed. You can also reduce these periods by upgrading your account, see the Account types table on the ⛑️⁠Donate page for details.
    Note that "protected" is a property of a replay, and a game may have multiple replays, one being protected and some not.
December 2, 2024Cumulative November Updates

Changes and new features:

  • The tab names of the game details now include the items counts listed under the tabs.
    For example the Maps tab indicates the number of buildings, the Build Orders tab indicates the number of table rows, the Chat tab indicates c·p·l which are the number of chat, minimap ping and leave commands.
  • The Maps filter on the ⚔️⁠Games page now accepts a comma separated list of maps.
    Please note that since map names may contain double quotes and commas, commas in map names must be escaped using a backslash: \,
  • The Maps table on player profiles is now capped even if you click on "show more" to avoid having to download occasionally hundreds or thousands of map images.
  • The Variations and Extended variations tables on map profiles are now also capped, and can be extended with the "show more" link, similarly to avoid having to download many map images.
November 22, 2024UMS AI team detection extended to more maps!

Changes and new features:

November 14, 2024UMS AI team detection extended to more maps!

Changes and new features:

November 6, 2024UMS AI team detection extended to more maps!

Changes and new features:

October 31, 2024Player class filter on Map Leaderboards!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Player Class filter and column on the 🏆⁠Leaderboards page. By default only the Human class is listed.
October 11, 2024UMS AI team detection extended to more maps!

Changes and new features:

August 26, 2024UMS AI team detection extended to AI Hunters games!

Changes and new features:

  • The UMS AI team detection feature has been extended to AI Hunters games.
    You can see it working on games of the following maps: maps with "AI Hunters" in their name
    Instead of a single team and Other format you'll see 2v2 or 3v3 for example, and statistics will be calculated accordingly (instead of games being counted as unknown).
August 14, 2024Changeable table page size and navigation bar

Changes and new features:

  • The ⚙️⁠Settings page now has a Table page navigation section where you can change the Page size: the number of displayed rows in different tables such as ⚔️⁠Games, 👨⁠Players, 🗺️⁠Maps etc.
    Note that on the ⚔️⁠Games page this will allow you to download more replays in a single replay pack.
    The available page sizes are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100. The maximum selectable page size depends on the Account type which you can check on the ⛑️⁠Donate page.
  • You can now also set the Page nagivation bar location. Available options are:
    • above the table: this is the previous and default mode
    • below the table: the navigation bar will be rendered below the table
    • above and below: the navigation bar will be rendered both above and below the table; handy if the page size is set to a big number and the table needs scrolling
  • The max listed page now also depends on the Account type (previously it was always 1000). Check the ⛑️⁠Donate page for details.
July 30, 2024Map preview column for Variations

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Map image preview column to Variations and Excluded Variations tables on map profiles.
July 25, 2024Moved to a new domain: repmastered.icza.net

Changes and new features:

  • The site has moved to a new domain: repmastered.icza.net.
    Do note: you have to login again under the new repmastered.icza.net domain!
    For the time being both the legacy (repmastered.app) and the new domain will work, the legacy domain redirects to the new one.
July 1, 2024Disallowing short Blizzard ladder games

Changes and new features:

  • Due to the huge number of short Blizzard ladder games and their poor use (they are excluded from statistics), short (shorter than 1:50) Blizzard ladder games are now rejected.
  • Since the primary goal for the Include short games filter was to clear the "clutter" caused by the many short Blizzard ladder games, this filter is now also removed from the ⚔️⁠Games page. R.I.P.
May 14, 2024Improved API and 🌀API documentation page

Changes and new features:

  • Improved the download API, you can now list replay IDs instead of game IDs to download replays in packs. Read the details on the 🌀⁠API doc page.
April 29, 2024New ✨Infinity account type and 🌀API documentation page

Changes and new features:

  • There's a new ✨⁠Infinity account type with 1,000,000 daily downloads!
  • There's a new 🌀⁠API doc page that documents how to automate replay downloads.
April 21, 2024Anonymous game views are re-enabled

Changes and new features:

  • Anonymous game views are now re-enabled. You can open and view game details without logging in.
April 17 2024🎂 RepMastered™ turns 4!!!!

RepMastered™ celebrates its fourth birthday 🎉! Since the third birthday:

19 million new Replays uploaded (total: 20,647,112)

40 new 🏟️⁠Events added (total: 786)

1,271,000 new 👨⁠Players in the Database (total: 2,000,604)

18 million new 👬Player Connections (Unique Player Pairs) (total: 21,738,921)

931 new 🗺️⁠Maps (total: 14,564)

5.5 million new 🏆Map Leaderboard Entries (Unique Map-Player Pairs) (total: 7,037,236)

Starting from 2001-01-01, on average:

  • There are 2426 new replays every single day.
  • Or in other words: there's a new replay in every 0.6 minutes.
  • There is a new event in every 10.8 days.

To see exact and up-to-date numbers and even more stats, visit the ∑⁠Stats page.

Thanks four Millions for the continuous replay contributions! 👏

Let's hope the 5th year brings even more replays! I encourage everyone to upload all your replays before they are gone forever. No registration is required. Become part of History, become part of StarCraft's Legacy!

April 12, 2024🗺️Map images pre-rendered for all map variations!

Changes and new features:

  • Previusly map images were pre-rendered and displayed based on the most played variants of maps (e.g. on the ⚔️⁠Games page).
    Now map images are pre-rendered for all variations, and the ⚔️⁠Games page shows the preview image of the exact map that was used in the game, clicking on the preview image will also show the large image of that exact map (previously you had to open the Map tab of the game details page to see the image of the used map variation).
  • Added an Excluded Variations table to map profiles.
    This table is a complementary to the existing Variations table, and details known variations that otherwise only have games that are all excluded from stats (and hence not part of the beforementioned table).
March 21, 2024Player names in file names!

Changes and new features:

  • Downloaded replay file names now include player names after the game timestamp.
    For safety and portability, special characters are excluded from player names.
    Player names are also added to file names inside replay packs.
January 31, 2024📦Download replay packs!

Changes and new features:

  • Added replay pack download options:
    • On event profiles, there's a new ⬇Download full replay pack📦 link which downloads all replays of an event as a zip file.
    • On the ⚔️⁠Games page there's a new ⬇Download 20 reps 📦 link which downloads all replays of the listed games on the page as a zip file.
    Downloading replay packs counts towards the daily download limit with the number of included replays, and if downloading the pack would exceed the download limit, the download will be denied.
    Visit the ⛑️⁠Donate page for details about how to upgrade your account to increase the daily download limit.
  • Downloaded replay file names now include the game timestamp as a prefix.
January 8, 2024Anonymous game views are disabled

Changes and new features:

  • Due to increased bots traffic, anonymous game views are now disabled. To open the game details and analyze a game, you have to login now.
January 2, 2024📧Free download blocked for unverified email domains

Changes and new features:

  • Due to increased abuse, free download is blocked for unverified email domains.
    Upgraded accounts get increased download limits regardless of the email domain.
    Use a verified email domain if you need the free downloads. Contact me via email if you want to add your un-common email domain to the verified list.
September 14, 2023Download limitation and Account types

Changes and new features:

  • Starting today, downloads now require to login, and there's a download quota for all users.
    You can upgrade your account by donating to increase those limits. Details are on the ⛑️⁠Donate page.
    The ⚙️⁠Settings page displays your current account type, used / available daily download quota and also when the daily quota resets.
September 4, 2023Highlight game results!

Changes and new features:

  • When you filter games by players on the ⚔️⁠Games page, game results will now be highlighted based on the result of the searched players.
    If you filter games to a single player (or multiple aliases of a player), the table will be colored based on when that player has won or lost.
    When filtering to multiple players, the coloring is only applied if all the listed players are on the same team.
September 1, 2023More table formatting!

Changes and new features:

  • Replaced the global "Stretch tables" overlay option with a new Tables formatting listbox. It has the following options:
    • No wrap: This option will not break text content of table cells, so all rows will have equal hight. Horizontal scrollbar will appear if the table doesn't fit on the page.
    • Wrap: This is the old, default behavior: Text content will break into multiple lines if otherwise the table would not fit on the page.
    • Stretch: This is the old "stetched" behavior: tables will stretch to full page width if they would be smaller.
July 7, 2023Sort players by MMR!

Changes and new features:

  • Players can now be sorted by Latest MMR and Max MMR on the 👨⁠Players page.
June 30, 2023⚔️Matchmaking Activity and Trends in Player Profiles!⚔️

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new MMRs Min·Latest·Max column to the 👨⁠Players page.
    This column displays the overall minimum, latest known and maximum MMR of players, with ranks.
  • Added Matchmaking Activity and Trends to player profiles.
    This visualizes the player's min/last/max MMR based on matchmaking seasons. Detailed stats can also be displayed (it is collapsed by default).
  • Added Matchmaking Gateway stats to player profiles.
    This section shows the player's stats (including min/latest/max MMR) based on gateways.
June 25, 2023⚔️Matchmaking Info!⚔️

Changes and new features:

  • Matchmaking info for Blizzard ladder games is now available!
    This information is not obtained from replays, and may be acquired / updated later, in the background.
  • Added an MM Info column on the ⚔️⁠Games page which displays ladder season, gateway and average MMR with rank of the game. This info is also added to Game details.
  • Added an MMR column on the Players tab of Game details.
    This column displays the players' initial MMR (with rank) before, and MMR change after the game.
June 14, 2023"Hide short games" is back!

Changes and new features:

  • After sorting out the performance issues, the recently added then removed "Hide short games" feature on the ⚔️⁠Games page has been readded and is here to stay!
  • Counting all results of a search may take significantly more time than displaying a page of the results. Counting is restricted to 2 seconds now, and if this time isn't enough, "many... (count!)" will be displayed for the "Total results".
    Clicking on the "count!" link will repeat the search without time restraints to count the results. Once the results are counted, it will be cached and displayed without having to re-count.
June 7, 2023☷ More Columns!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Ago column to the ⚔️⁠Games page. This column shows the elapsed time since the game, tooltip also shows the exact date+time.
    This is now the default instead of the Date column, but using the ☷ Columns link you can still turn on/off the Ago and Date columns.
  • Added a new Duration column to the 🏟️⁠Events page. This column shows the event duration: the time between its start and end.
  • Added First game (ago) and Last game (ago) columns to the 👨⁠Players, 🗺️⁠Maps, 👬⁠Playmates, 🏆⁠Leaderboards and 🆚⁠Matchups pages.
    They show the time elapsed since the first and last games. These new columns are not visible by default, they can be turned on/off using the ☷ Columns link.
June 04, 2023Stats are now sorted by Included games, Removed "Hide short games"!

Changes and new features:

  • Due to the increased number of replay uploads and the current huge replay database (well above 5 million now!) I had to remove the recently added "Hide short games" feature from the ⚔️⁠Games page for performance reasons.
    All games (including short ones) are now displayed again everywhere, without an option to hide them.
    Note that using the Length filter it's still possible to filter games by length.
  • With the above feature removal, I also visually marked short games so they can be noted and filtered out by a glance (they are blurred out, but moving the mouse cursor over them removes the blur).
  • Also changed 👨⁠Players, 🗺️⁠Maps, 👬⁠Playmates, 🏆⁠Leaderboards and 🆚⁠Matchups: replaced the default "Total Games" column with "Included Games", and they are now sorted by included games (instead of total games).
    Using the ☷ Columns link you can still turn on/off the Total Games, Included Games and Excluded Games columns.
    The Years stats on the ∑⁠Stats now only display the number of included games (instead of total games).
May 24, 2023More Plays stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Total Plays and Plays % columns to Format and Type stats on Map profiles and on the ∑⁠Stats page.
April 26, 2023Hide short games!

Changes and new features:

  • The ⚔️⁠Games page has a new filter: Include short games.
    This is off by default, so games shorter than 110 seconds are not listed by default. These games are and were excluded from statistics.
    You can list all games including short ones by enabling this filter.
April 20, 2023Partial and regexp matchup matches!

Changes and new features:

  • You can now use partial and regexp matchup matches on the 🆚⁠Matchups page.
April 18, 2023Cosmetic updates!

Changes and new features:

  • Map class, ladder and race values are now colored eveywhere.
  • Matchups are also colored. Matchups have a race distribution color background calculated from the races of the matchup.
  • Race and matchup stats table cells inside Year Stats on the ∑⁠Stats page now also use race colors.
April 17 2023🎂 RepMastered™ turns 3!!!

RepMastered™ celebrates its third birthday 🎉! Since the second birthday:

450,000 new Replays uploaded (total: 1,733,333)

146 new 🏟️⁠Events added (total: 746)

160,000 new 👨⁠Players in the Database (total: 729,561)

1 million new 👬Player Connections (Unique Player Pairs) (total: 3,578,738)

2,300 new 🗺️⁠Maps (total: 13,633)

370,000 new 🏆Map Leaderboard Entries (Unique Map-Player Pairs) (total: 1,551,669)

Starting from 2001-01-01, on average:

  • There are 212.9 new replays every single day.
  • Or in other words: there's a new replay in every 6.8 minutes.
  • There is a new event in every 10.9 days.

To see exact and up-to-date numbers and even more stats, visit the ∑⁠Stats page.

Thanks three Millions for the continuous replay contributions! 👏

Let's hope the 4th year brings even more replays! I encourage everyone to upload all your replays before they are gone forever. No registration is required. Become part of History, become part of StarCraft's Legacy!

April 5, 2023More Player Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Win %, APM and EAPM stats to Play length stats and APM stats on player profiles.
    These show the correlation of game length with win ratio and APM, and APM correlation with win ratio.
  • Added summarized 1v1 matchup stats on player profiles.
    These show 1v1 matchup stats of the player using a concrete race vs any races (e.g. "Pv*") or using any races vs a concrete race (e.g. "*vP").
March 29, 2023🪜Ladder Distribution!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Ladders column to the Players table on the 👨⁠Players page and player profiles.
    This column is similar to the Races and Map classes columns, but instead shows distribution of games played on different ladders, telling at a glance what ladders the players play on.
March 27, 2023🪜Ladder Home from popups

Changes and new features:

  • Added a 🌍Visit Ladder home item to Ladder popups.
March 25, 2023🪜StarCraft World Ladder and Ladder home pages!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new StarCraft World Ladder.
  • Links to ladder home pages are now displayed in ladder stat tables.
March 23, 2023🪜ShieldBattery Ladder!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new ShieldBattery Ladder.
March 21, 2023🪜🪜🪜Ladders!

Changes and new features:

  • Introducing Ladder support!
    Different ladder types of games are now automatically detected, such as
    • The official Blizzard ladder
    • BGH MMR EU ladder
    • [24H] BGH MMR West ladder
  • The ⚔️⁠Games page now has a Ladder filter, so you can quickly list games of different ladders, or games that aren't in any ladders ("None" ladder).
    This Ladder filter of course works with any combination of other filters, so you can filter to ladder games of specific players or maps for example.
  • The Game details page also displays the ladder of the game, with popup to list games of the same ladder.
  • Player profiles now display Ladder stats, so you can see what or if a player plays on ladders and stats on those ladders.
  • The ∑⁠Stats page shows global ladder statistics.
    The global stats can also be filtered down to a ladder, so you can view all kinds of global statistics gathered and assembled from specific ladders (e.g. matchup stats on different ladders).
March 7, 2023Team detection in UMS AI games!

Changes and new features:

January 18, 2023🗺️Even more Variation stats!

Changes and new features:

  • There are now more stats gathered for map variations including first, last games, average game length.
January 17, 2023🗺️Variation images and games!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Images and Links columns to the Variations table on map profiles.
    You can now view map images of any variations, and filter to games played on a specific variation.
January 16, 2023🗺️Map Origin and Variation details!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Map Origin column to the ⚔️⁠Games page.
    This column displays if the concrete map used in the game is from a known source (e.g. an original map in StarCraft installation was used).
    The origin's short name is displayed (e.g. Blizz), tooltip shows the full name of the origin with all paths listed.
  • Map Origin is also displayed on the Map tab of the Game details page.
  • Added an Origin column to the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
    This column displays the origin of the most played variant of the maps.
  • Added a Variations table to map profiles.
    This table details the known variations of the map, also contains links to render images of any of the variations.
  • The ∑⁠Stats page now displays the number of total map variations in the database.
January 12, 2023🗺️Map variations and hashes!

Changes and new features:

  • Map hashes are now calculated for each game.
    The Map Hash is a unique fingerprint of all the map data (tiles, units, texts, triggers etc.). Different hash means a different map file was used.
    The map hash is displayed on the Map tab of the Game details page.
  • Since variations are now tracked and–besides having the same name–they may differ in any aspect (e.g. different tiles, different description, even different tileset or map size),
    the variant with the most games is used to generate map data and map images.
    As more games are uploaded, the most played variant may change, in which case RepMastered™ will automatically switch to the new most played variant.
  • The Download link on map profiles now downloads the most played variant of the map.
  • Added a Map Hash column to the ⚔️⁠Games page.
    This column displays the first 5 characters of the map hash, and tooltip shows the complete map hash.
  • Added a Variants column to the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
    This column displays how many variations are there for maps with identical name but with different map data.
January 4, 2023🗺️High-res map image links!

Changes and new features:

  • Added High-res map image links to map profiles and to the Game details pages.
    Clicking on these links will open high-resolution map images in a new tab, even as big as the in-game size!
  • Clicking on the large map preview image on map profiles opens the preview image in a new tab.
  • Resources and start locations are rendered with high contrast on small map preview images.
December 28, 2022🗺️High resolution StarCraft map images!🗺️

Changes and new features:

  • Map images are now rendered using StarCraft graphics!
    These include map preview and large images, and also the map background on the Map tab of the Game details pages.
December 12, 2022Improved Global Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Total Plays and Plays % columns to the Global Games Summary table on the ∑⁠Stats page.
  • Added Global 3v3 and 4v4 Matchup Stats to the ∑⁠Stats page.
November 2, 2022🌈 Game Spectrum Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Game Spectrum Stats to the ∑⁠Stats page.
    This table details how many entities (e.g. Players, Playmates, Maps, Map leaderboards, Matchups) are there in different game count ranges (e.g. with 1 game, with 2 - 10 games, with 11 - 100 games etc.).
October 27, 20221on1 game type!

Changes and new features:

  • Renamed the 1v1 game type to 1on1 as there were some who confused it with 1v1 format.
September 30, 2022Engine version!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Engine column to the games table on the ⚔️⁠Games page.
    This indicates the game engine used to play and save the game (original StarCraft or Brood War extension), and certain version ranges of the game (1.16 or older, 1.18-1.20, 1.21 or newer).
  • The engine version is also displayed in the Engine field of the game details page.
September 28, 2022Team and Clan support has arrived!

Changes and new features:

  • Team based events now display a Teams (or Clans) summary table on profiles.
  • Teams vs Teams stats: Team based events gather and display stats of games played between any 2 teams in the event.
    This table can also be filtered to a single team (a fixed team vs any other team).
  • The Players table on event profiles now also displays the teams of the players. This table can also be filtered to list players of a single team.
  • Added a Teams type filter to the 🏟️⁠Events page.
    With this filter you can quickly find events of different teams types such as Solo (no teams), Regular teams (e.g. 2v2 or 3v3 tournaments) or Clan leagues. You can also choose Any teams to list all team based events.
  • Added Teams type and Teams columns to the table on the 🏟️⁠Events page.
    The former shows the teams type, the latter shows the number of teams participating in the event.
September 22, 2022Event navigation!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Navigation section to the top of event profiles. This contains links to quickly jump to previous and next tours of the same event.
  • Added a Races column to the Players table of event profiles. This shows what races players used in the event.
July 18, 2022Maps and Players links for events!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a List these maps link under the Maps table on event profiles. It lists all the maps of the event on the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
  • Added a List these players link under the Players table on event profiles. It lists all the players of the event on the 👨⁠Players page.
July 5, 2022Map Layers and "Hot" time window!

Changes and new features:

  • Replaced the Background on the Map tab of the game details page with Layers.
    These layers can be toggled independently:
    • Tiles
    • Hot areas
    • Resources
    • Hot points
    • Buildings
    • Player names
  • Added a "Hot" window setting to the Map tab of the game details page.
    With this you can specify a moving time window that defines which hot points to consider for the Hot points and Hot areas features.
    By default the last 1 minute is used, which will show the recent battles and actions, but you can increase or decrease it, or even set From start to consider all hot points from game start (up until the selected / current time).
July 4, 2022🔥 A fiery update for the summer: Hot points and Hot areas!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Background setting to the Map tab of the game details page.
    With this you can select the background for the map view. The following options are available:
    • Tiles: This is the old behavior. Shows the map tiles behind the buildings.
    • Tiles+Hot points: This also shows hot points of the selected players, which are the target points of the players' commands.
    • Tiles+Hot areas: This divides the map into regions called hot areas and calculates hot points inside them. Then shows these areas with brightness proportional to the number of hot points inside them.
    • Hot points: This option does not draw map tiles to have a clearer picture of hot points.
    • Hot areas: This option does not draw map tiles to have a clearer picture of hot areas.
    • Empty (blank): This option does not show map tiles nor any "hot stuff".
    Hot points and Hot areas show you where big things like battles, intensive micro operations take place on the map.
  • The new Hot area size listbox allows you to change the granularity (size) of the hot areas.
June 22, 2022General ↕Sorting Addition!

Changes and new features:

June 21, 2022Show latest 🏟️Events!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Show latest events checkbox to the 🏟️⁠Events page.
    With this you can sort events by added date and see the latest added events. Other filters are disabled in this mode.
    Try it now: Latest added events
June 9, 2022Max Players on Maps!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Max Players column to the Maps table on the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
    This column displays the max number of human players on the map.
  • Also added a new Max Players filter to the 🗺️⁠Maps page, so you can quickly filter maps based on max human players.
June 7, 2022Improved 💬 Chat!

Changes and new features:

  • The 💬Chat tab of the game details page has been greatly improved.
    It now displays observer chat and minimap pings, distinguished with an icon. Observer chat and pings can be turned off.
    There's also a Format into paragraphs checkbox which groups messages into paragraphs based on the elapsed time between them.
June 6, 2022Improved Replay Chooser!

Changes and new features:

  • The Replay chooser dropdown list is now always visible on the game details page.
    It now displays the game length, number of chat messages and the replay saver (if known) for each available replays.
  • Changed the available Length filter values. The first 0-1 min value has been changed to 0-1:50 which reflects games that are excluded from stats.
    Consequently the second value is changed from 1-5 min to 1:50-5 min.
June 5, 2022New 👑 King in Town!

Finally my main account Dakota_Fanning with 11,847 games has been dethroned and moved to the noble 2nd place in the 👨⁠Players ranks.

Our new 👑 king is 3050_Ho-W with 12,319 games! Congrats to him! As promised, I buy him a 🍺!

June 3, 2022Small improvements

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Reps column to the ⚔️⁠Games table. This column displays the number of replays available for the game.
  • The game details page now displays the replay saver if it is known.
  • Searched players are now prioritized on the 👬⁠Playmates page (moved to the first column) when "Exact players" matching is used.
May 24, 2022Improved stats and winners detection, more columns!

Changes and new features:

  • 1v1 UMS games with observers are now detected and processed as 1v1 games!
    This greatly improves statistics and winners detection.
  • Rewritten and improved the winners detection algorithm which now handles more cases and is more accurate. This improves statistics accuracy a lot.
  • Increased the min game length limit to be included in stats from 1 minute to 110 seconds.
    This is in line with Battle.net's limit to count a game as win/loss instead of draw.
  • Added a new Chats column to the ⚔️⁠Games table. This column displays the number of chat messages of the main replay of the game.
  • Added a new Host column to the ⚔️⁠Games table. This column displays the name of the game creator.
May 20, 2022Player descriptions column

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Player descriptions column to the ⚔️⁠Games table.
    This column aggregates and lists multiple properties of players including name, race, APM, EAPM and start dir in the form of "name race·APM·EAPM(startdir)".
    This column offers an alternative and more compact representation of players and their main properties.
    This column is now the default, but of course you can setup the old view by editing the columns.
May 18, 2022☷ Column setup and more columns!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a ☷ Columns link to the ⚔️⁠Games, 🏟️⁠Events, 👨⁠Players, 🗺️⁠Maps, 👬⁠Playmates, 🏆⁠Leaderboards and 🆚⁠Matchups pages.
    This allows to customize the displayed columns of the result tables.
  • Besides allowing to hide columns, new columns are also added to all pages.
    The ⚔️⁠Games page for example now has 20 columns, new columns including Title, Date+Time, EAPMs, Views and Download counts, Upload date, among others.
    The new Link icons column also allows you to display only compact icons instead of longer links, saving valuable space in the table.
  • Table cells displaying a percent value (e.g. Win % or Redundancy) now distinguish between "0%" and "not applicable". "-" is displayed instead of "0%" where the total amount (e.g. number of known game results) is 0.
April 17 2022🎂 RepMastered™ turns 2!!

RepMastered™ celebrates its second birthday 🎉! Since the first birthday:

280,000 new Replays uploaded

600 🏟️⁠Events in the Database

70,000 new 👨⁠Players in the Database

600,000 new 👬Player Connections (Unique Player Pairs)

1,300 new 🗺️⁠Maps

185,000 new 🏆Map Leaderboard Entries (Unique Map-Player Pairs)

Starting from 2001-01-01, on average:

  • There are 164.7 new replays every single day.
  • Or in other words: there's a new replay in every 8.7 minutes.
  • There is a new event in every 13.0 days.

To see exact and up-to-date numbers and even more stats, visit the ∑⁠Stats page.

Thanks two Millions for the continuous replay contributions! 👏

Let's hope the 3rd year brings even more replays! I encourage everyone to upload all your replays before they are gone forever. No registration is required. Become part of History, become part of StarCraft's Legacy!

April 10, 2022What coordinates?

Changes and new features:

  • The Map tab of the game analyzer now displays the map and tile coordinates belonging to the mouse cursor position.
March 29, 2022Improved Map Search!

Changes and new features:

  • Map search has been improved.
    There are new filters on the 🗺️⁠Maps page, you can now filter by the tile set, map width and height, and you can even search in map descriptions.
    There's another filter: Name class. This allows you to list maps whose name only contains normal characters (ASCII), or contains characters of specific languages such as Korean, Chinese, Russian, Japanese or Greek.
  • Added Tile set and Size to the Maps table on the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
  • Map profiles now display the size and tile set of the map beside the map class. These are links to list maps with same size or tile set.
  • Game details page now has popup for the map size to list maps with the same size, and the Map tab also displays the tile set with popup to list maps with the same tile set.
March 28, 2022True, Full Map Name!

Changes and new features:

  • Map names stored in replay headers are limited in length. This means if the map names are longer than the limit, they are trimmed.
    Today RepMastered™ switches to the full map name stored in the map data!
    What does this mean?
    First, you'll see the full map name of course. Often map names contain the version at the end, so you'll see map versions more often in names (where they were trimmed due to length limit).
    And more importantly: since maps are differentiated based on map name, you'll see more maps now, more accurately capturing stats and map images!
March 3, 2022Map resource table

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Resource table to the Map tab of game analyzers.
    This table lists the mineral field and vespene geyser resources of the map, showing their amount and count, and also calculates total minerals and vespene gas available on the map.
February 28, 2022Minor improvements

Changes and new features:

  • Added an Open on Matchups page item to Matchup popups.
  • Added an <ALL> row to the Race Plays Stats table on map and event profiles.
  • Fixed a bug in statistics calculation that affected Race play stats of maps and events, and the global race play stats.
February 27, 2022More Plays stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Total Plays column to the Maps table on the 🗺️⁠Maps page and map profiles.
    This shows how many plays happened on the map, which is not proportional to the number of games. This is the total number of participants, so for example a 1v1 game contributes 2 plays, a 2v2 game contributes 4 plays etc.
  • Added an <ALL> row to the Global Race Plays Stats table on the ∑⁠Stats page.
February 22, 2022Download Reconstructed .scx Maps From Replays!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new ⬇Download .scx map link to the Game details page.
    With this link you can download the map the game was played on, and you can start new games on the map! The map is reconstructed from the replay.
    So if you love old maps which you wish to play again but you lost the maps, upload the replays to RepMastered™ and you can download the maps from the replays!
  • Added a Download this map link to map profiles too.
    This will download the map reconstructed from a "random" replay played on the map.
    Note that maps with same name might not be identical, but you can download the concrete map used in any game.
February 18, 2022Map Class Distribution and Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Map classes column to the Players table on the 👨⁠Players page and player profiles.
    This column is similar to the Races column, but instead shows distribution of games played on maps of different map classes, telling at a glance whether a player is a low-money map player, a BGHer, fastest player or prefers custom (UMS) games.
  • Added Map class stats to player profiles which shows statistics of games played on maps of different map classes.
  • Added a Class column to the Top maps table on player profiles. This column shows the map class of the maps. You can also sort the table by this column.
  • Map names are now colored based on the map class everywhere they are displayed.
January 25, 2022Zoom Map Preview on Profiles!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Zoom setting on Map profiles for the map preview images.
    By default preview images will appear with a fixed width to not distort the profile page. You have the option to zoom the preview image to larger, smaller or to the original size.
December 1, 2021 Solana support option

Changes and new features:

October 26, 2021Remastered Colors and Names!

Changes and new features:

  • Made some significant improvements to the replay parser engine. As a result:
    • Player colors of the Remastered version are now properly parsed and displayed.
    • Non-standard player names are now properly parsed and displayed.
October 7, 2021Playmates Classes!

Changes and new features:

September 21, 2021Event relations

Changes and new features:

  • Event profiles now display if the event is a qualifier for another event.
  • Event profiles now list qualifiers for the event.
  • Event profiles now display event category and event name as links to list events with same category or event name.
September 10, 2021🏟️Events and Tournaments!

Changes and new features:

  • RepMastered™ contains a tremendous amount of replays. It was hard to find certain replays of tournaments. Up until now.
    There is a new 🏟️⁠Events page. With this, RepMastered™ now also becomes an Event database.
    This new page lists all kinds of StarCraft: Brood War events and tournaments around the world with decent filtering capabilities (like Category, Event, Tour, Start date).
    You can also quickly visit the tournament home pages.
  • You can quickly list games belonging to certain events, which you can filter / narrow down further with all game filters you can use otherwise.
  • There is also an Event profile page for each event, which gives you all kinds of statistics for the event, including:
    • Summary info about the event.
    • Maps played in the event.
    • Players participated in the event, sorted by results.
    • Race, Format, Length, APM and Matchup stats calculated from the event's games.
    Direct links are displayed to easily list games assembling certain statistics.
  • The Game details page displays the event if the game belongs to an event.
Please note that adding events is a manual process. I'm starting with a handful of tournaments, and they are being added continuously.
July 9, 2021How many are there?

Changes and new features:

  • All pages now display Total results count.
July 6, 2021Display Map class!

Changes and new features:

June 25, 2021Length and APM stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Length stats and Avg APM stats to Map profiles.
  • Added Play length stats and APM stats to Player profiles.
June 16, 2021Game Search by Length and Avg APM!

Changes and new features:

  • Added 2 new search fields to the ⚔️⁠Games page: Length and Avg APM.
June 7, 2021Global Stats per Map Class!

Changes and new features:

  • The Global stats table on the ∑⁠Stats page now shows stats broken down to Map classes.
May 19, 2021 USDT support option

Changes and new features:

April 27, 2021Years Filter for Global Stats!

Changes and new features:

April 22, 2021Filter for Global Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Global 2v2 Matchup Stats to the ∑⁠Stats page.
  • Added a Filter section to the ∑⁠Stats page. For now it allows filtering by Map class.
    Games of different map classes are fundamentally different, so this allows you to filter games and see global stats for specific map classes (e.g. Low money) or by default to see global stats of all games.
April 21, 2021Minor Improvements

Changes and new features:

  • Moved the global stats page link from the footer to the navigation bar: ∑⁠Stats
  • Navigation bar and button styling improvements.
April 20, 2021Global "Everything" Stats and Race and Matchup Win % Trends!

Changes and new features:

  • Added several global stats to the ∑⁠Stats page:
    • Global Games Summary
    • Global Race Play Stats
    • Global 1v1 Matchup Stats
    • Global Format Stats
    • Global Type Stats
  • Added Global Race Win % Trends and 1v1 Matchup Win % Trends data to the Year Stats table on the ∑⁠Stats page.
April 19, 2021Win Ratio for Global 🆚Matchups!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Record and Win % columns to the 🆚⁠Matchups page. This shows the global win ratio for all non-mirror, 2-team balanced matchups.
April 17 2021🎂 RepMastered™ turns 1: A Million Reps, A Million Thanks!

RepMastered™ celebrates its first birthday 🎉, let's dive into the numbers of Millions.

One Million Replays uploaded

Half Million 👨⁠Players in the Database

Two Million 👬Player Connections (Unique Player Pairs)

Nearly 0.01 Million 🗺️⁠Maps (Ten Thousand)

One Million 🏆Map Leaderboard Entries (Unique Map-Player Pairs)

Starting from 2001-01-01 there are 135 new replays every single day (on average).
Or in other words: there's a new replay in every 10 minutes (starting from 2001-01-01).

To see exact and up-to-date numbers and even more stats, visit the new RepMastered™ global stats page. You can find this link in the footer of the site.

Thanks a Million for the Million replays! 👏

Let's hope the 2nd year brings another million! I encourage everyone to upload all your replays before they are gone forever. No registration is required. Become part of History, become part of StarCraft's Legacy!

April 2, 2021Replay Chooser!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Replay Chooser dropdown list to game analyzers that have multiple replays available (from multiple participants of the game).
    The selected replay will be analyzed on the page, so this allows you for example to read chat from multiple teams without having to download all replays.
    The Download link now downloads the selected replay (previously there were multiple download links, one for each replay).
March 26, 2021Active Player Counts!

Changes and new features:

  • Added the Active Players count to the Year Stats table on ∑⁠Stats page, and also to the Popularity table of Map profiles.
  • Total number of players that played a map is also added to map profiles.
March 24, 2021Global Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Seeing that top 🗺️⁠Maps have tens of thousands of games each (#1 | iCCup | Fighting Spirit 1.3 even has more than a hundred thousand games!), it's obvious RepMastered™ has many replays.
    But have you ever wondered how many is that many? Wonder no more! I've created a ∑⁠Stats page where you can find the concrete and up-to-date numbers and other interesting stats. The link is added to the footer of the site.
February 12, 2021Even more support options: Ethereum and LUNA!

Changes and new features:

  • Added 2 further support options Ethereum and LUNA on the ⛑️⁠Donate page.
February 11, 2021Suffix searches, Bitcoin and ADA support options

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new "ending with" search type (suffix search) which you can use to filter players and maps.
  • Added Bitcoin and ADA support options on the ⛑️⁠Donate page.
February 4, 2021투혼 Korean language support: ㅈㅈ

Changes and new features:

  • Added Korean language support for parsing texts from replays!
    Invalid texts are now parsed using Korean encoding. As a result, some maps have been merged (e.g. "투혼 1.3" and "��ȥ1.3") and some players splitted.
    Game titles, chats, map names and descriptions should now be more "readable" 😂 (at least for those who speak Korean).
January 27, 2021Map Descriptions!

Changes and new features:

  • Scenario Names and Descriptions are now parsed from replays and are displayed on the Game details page (on the Map tab) and on Map profiles!
January 9, 2021List latest uploaded games!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Sort by upload date checkbox to the ⚔️⁠Games page.
    With this you can sort games by upload date and see the latest uploaded games. Other filters are disabled in this mode.
    Try it now: Latest uploaded games
January 6, 2021Combine more players!

Changes and new features:

  • Increased the combine-able players limit to 50. Now you can combine players even if they don't fit into a page!
  • Added tips to the bottom of the 👨⁠Players and 🏆⁠Leaderboards pages.
  • Fixed client-side sorting of the Players table on combined player profiles.
January 5, 2021🏆Map Leaderboards!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new 🏆⁠Leaderboards page. This page shows you player statistics on certain maps.
    If you filter to a certain map, you'll see the map leaderboard, namely the list of players who played the most on the map.
    If you filter to a certain player, you'll see the maps the player played the most.
  • Top Leaderboard entries have been added to Map profiles, with a link to list the complete map leaderboard.
  • Leaderboard items have been added to Player and Map popups.
December 15, 2020Player aliases, COMBINED players and Profile stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Now when you search for players on the 👨⁠Players page and the results are no more than 20 players, <COMBINED players> stats will be displayed automatically.
    The combined stats are calculated as if all the games were played by a single player.
    So if you list multiple accounts of a person, you can see summarized, aggregated statistics for that person.
    The COMBINED players also has a Profile link, which will take you to the COMBINED profile page, showing all the details you can get for a single player.
  • You can now define Player aliases on the ⚙️⁠Settings page.
    You can quickly load your saved aliases lists on the 👨⁠Players page and see individual and combined statistics for the players.
December 9, 2020FEEDS!

Changes and new features:

  • Implemented RSS and ATOM feeds of the latest games. The links are added to the footer of every page.
    You can now use your favorite feed reader to get notified of new games (that go to the top of the ⚔️⁠Games page).
December 7, 2020Universal Table Sorting

Changes and new features:

  • Added universal table sorting. Many tables are now sortable by any columns. Column headers have popups which contain items for sorting in ascendant or descendant order.
    Most tables on player and map profiles are sortable, and also the Players table in the Game analyzer and the Sessions table on the ⚙️⁠Settings page.
December 3, 2020Bot Player Class

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new Bot player class to the 👨⁠Players page. This separates Bot players to their own list.
December 2, 2020UMS Map Class

Changes and new features:

  • Added a new UMS map class to the 🗺️⁠Maps page. This separates UMS-only maps to their own list.
December 1, 2020Extended Playmates Stats

Changes and new features:

  • Added 1v1, 2v2 With and 2v2 VS record stats to playmates which are displayed on the 👬⁠Playmates page and on player profiles.
November 29, 2020Map Classes!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Map class filter to the 🗺️⁠Maps page.
    Using this filter you can now quickly filter to Low money, Big game and Fastest maps. Default is ALL, listing all maps.
  • Added an ALL option to the Player class filter too on the 👨⁠Players page.
  • Added the class of players and maps to all player and map profiles. The class name is a link pointing to the 👨⁠Players or 🗺️⁠Maps page, filtering to the same class.
November 21, 2020More matchup stats gathered on a per-map basis!

Changes and new features:

  • Added 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 matchup statistics to all map profiles.
November 10, 2020Player Classes!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Player class filter to the 👨⁠Players page.
    Using this filter you can now view Human and Computer players in separate lists.
November 3, 2020Activity, Trend and Popularity Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added Activity and Trends tables to Player profiles. These tables show stats of players based on calendar years.
    A second table with more details is collapsed by default.
  • Added Popularity table to Map profiles. This shows how many games were played on the map in each calendar year.
  • Background of these new tables form bar charts (proportional to the cell values).
  • Maps displayed on Player profiles is now limited to 50 by default to speed up profile pages.
    You can click on the show all link if you want to see the complete map list of the player.
    When all maps are displayed, you can click on the show less link to display only the top 50 maps.
October 21, 2020Map Preview Images!

Changes and new features:

  • Small map preview images have been added to the ⚔️⁠Games and 🗺️⁠Maps pages, and also to the Maps table of Player profiles.
    Clicking on the small preview image will open a large preview in a popup.
  • Large, collapsible map preview images have been added to the Map profiles pages.
September 15, 2020Trimmed big commands table

Changes and new features:

  • If a replay contains more than 50,000 commands, the Commands tab now trims the table to 50,000 to prevent slowing down your browser.
    It also displays a note about this with a link which does fetch all commands should you desire it.
July 29, 2020Balanced Formats!

Changes and new features:

  • So far handled formats only included 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 and Other.
    This list is now extended with all balanced formats, so you can search for them and see statistics gathered for each.
    Balanced formats include for example 1v1v1, 2v2v2, 2v2v2v2 etc.
July 29, 2020Improved Melee game analysis and 👁️Observer detection

Changes and new features:

  • Alliance commands are now processed in Melee games to detect formed alliances.
    Based on detected teams, matchups are now properly reported, winner detection is improved by nature.
  • Melee games often have players that only observe, which is now detected and excluded from the matchup and statistics.
    Observers are indicated with an 👁️ icon, and are turned off by default in the game analyzer.
July 27, 2020Who are you allied with?

Changes and new features:

  • Alliance and Vision commands now list the slot IDs players form alliance and share vision with, and whether they have Allied Victory checked.
July 17, 2020EAPM has arrived!

Changes and new features:

  • Finally EAPM has arrived and became a first-class citizen!
  • New EAPM and Redundancy columns on the Players tab of Game details.
  • 👨⁠Players page and Player profiles now also list players' EAPM and Redundancy.
  • APM chart of Game details now has the option to draw EAPM chart too (it's on by default, can be toggled).
  • Commands tab of Game details has a new column: Inefficiency Reason which shows for every commands if and why they are considered ineffective.
  • Added 3 new entries to the ❓⁠FAQ page about APM, EAPM and Redundancy.
July 14, 2020Collapse and Expand

Changes and new features:

  • Changed sections of the 📝⁠Features page and Player and Map profile pages, and 📰⁠News and ❓⁠FAQ entries to collapsible blocks.
    Also added a "🔺Collapse all" and an "🔻Expand all" button to these pages.
  • Changed many link texts and icons for consistency.
July 13, 2020⚔️👨🗺️📝🔍 Icons?

Changes and new features:

  • Added icons in many places.
July 10, 2020🇺🇸🇰🇷🇩🇪🇨🇦 Flags?

Changes and new features:

  • Changed "View, Get" links to "📊Analyze, ⬇Get" on the ⚔️⁠Games page.
  • Added country flags to the Sessions section on the ⚙️⁠Settings page.
July 1, 2020Where am I logged in?

Changes and new features:

  • Added a Sessions section to the ⚙️⁠Settings page.
    This section lists all your active sessions, and allows you to logout from other sessions you don't have access to anymore.
June 10, 2020Quoted player names

Changes and new features:

  • You may now enter quoted player names which is necessary if a player name starts or ends with space for example.
    Simply put the name in double quotes, and so spaces will not be trimmed from the name, e.g. " computer". Quoted and non-quoted players can be mixed, e.g. you may search for dakota, " computer".
    This also fixes broken links containing such players.
June 9, 2020Easier navigation

Changes and new features:

  • Moved paging links above tables for easier navigation.
June 8, 2020Playmates refinements...

Changes and new features:

  • Top Playmates in Player profiles now always list the profile's player as the first.
  • Replays with invalid date are now rejected. Replays already uploaded that had invalid date had been removed.
June 5, 2020Who are your Playmates?

Changes and new features:

  • Playmates statistics have arrived!
    There is a new 👬⁠Playmates page which lists players who played in the same games. You can now see who players play with (or vs) the most, and you can see their records as allies (With) and as opponents (VS).
    "List Playmates" has been added to player profiles, so you can quickly list playmates anywhere where players are displayed.
    The Playmates page contains 2 players filters: Player A and Player B. To quickly find playmates of someone, simply enter his / her name into Player A.
    To find playmates of multiple players, list them all in Player A.
    To find a player pair, enter one player into Player A, an the other into Player B.
    You may list multiple players in both A and B, and all combinations between A and B will be listed.
  • Player profile pages now also list the top playmates of the players.
June 4, 2020Popup adjustments...

Changes and new features:

  • Moved popup items that open profiles to the first place.
  • Setting filters from popups no longer executes a search automatically.
  • Added popups to stats tables on Player and Map profiles.
June 3, 2020Goodbye links, hello Popups!

Changes and new features:

  • Reduced the "links-hell" on the Games page.
    The links are gone for good, and they are replaced by Popups. Clicking on Player names, maps etc. will now open a small popup which allows you to set it as the filter.
  • The new Popups also give you the possibility to go to the Player and Map profile directly, or copy the names to the clipboard among other things!
  • You can now also quickly set the type of the listed games as the filter, with popups of course.
  • Game dates also received a popup, so you can quickly set the game date filter either as "Date from" or "Date to".
  • The Popups are also added to the Game details, Players, Maps and Matchups pages (so basically to everywhere).
  • Switched colors of Protoss and Terran used in race distributions on the Players and Player profile pages to match Liquipedia's colors.
June 2, 2020More search options!

Changes and new features:

  • Games can now be filtered by game type and format.
  • Player and Map profiles now have links to games in Format and Type stats tables.
May 30, 2020Collapse the Build Orders table!

Changes and new features:

  • Collapsed (merged) repeating rows in the Build Orders table. This significantly reduces / simplifies the Build Orders table.
May 26, 2020Widen the search parameters, captain!

Changes and new features:

  • Map and player searches have been extended, you can now choose if you want to search by exact, prefix, substring or regexp match.
    This is available on the ⚔️⁠Games, 👨⁠Players and 🗺️⁠Maps pages.
    Exact matching remains the default, choosing "Map / Player starting with" will find all players or maps that start with the entered text, and choosing "Anywhere in map / player" will find all players or maps where the entered text is part of the name.
    Regexp has its own art, you may find countless online tutorials, regexp matching gives you the power to find maps and players by any pattern.
    For example to find players that have 3 digits in the middle of their names (not at the beginning nor at the end), you could use the regexp: \D+\d{3}\D+
    When entering multiple players or maps (separated by comma), the selected matching rule will apply to all individually.
  • Made further improvements to the replay parser engine to detect winners more accurately in Melee games.
May 18, 2020Stretch those tables!

Changes and new features:

  • Added a "Stretch tables" checkbox on all pages, this controls if tables are stretched horizontally to the size of the window.
May 15, 2020More games links, excluded games from stats

Changes and new features:

  • Games excluded from stats are now added to total games, but are indicated in a new column.
    Players / Maps / Matchups that only have excluded games are also listed and have profile pages.
  • Direct links to games of the uploaded replays are now displayed after you upload some replays.
  • Added Links column with Games link to the 1v1 matchup stats on Map profiles.
May 14, 2020Pay attention to details...

Changes and new features:

  • Added # and Games % columns to all stats on profile pages.
  • Added a Links column to the Map stats on the Player profile page with 2 links:
    • Stats leads to the given map's profile page.
    • Games lists the player's games on the given map.
  • Moved hotkey 0 above 9 (from below 1) on the Hotkeys chart on the Game details.
  • Made improvements to the replay parser engine which now detects winners more accurately in FFA games. Also aligns player's teams, so matchups will be displayed as they should be (e.g. instead of "PTZ" you will see "PvTvZ").
May 13, 2020Take a deep dive into Stats!

Changes and new features:

  • Added in-depth statistics. These include:
    • A new 👨⁠Players page.
      This page lists players found in games, and shows summary statistics for each such as number of games, record (win-loss-unknown), win %, average APM, race distribution (races used), time played, first and last games.
      Clicking on the "Details" link takes you to the player's profile page where you can view further, more detailed stats about races used, formats, game types, 1v1 matchup and maps.
    • A new 🗺️⁠Maps page.
      This page lists maps with summary statistics such as games count, average game length, first and last games.
      clicking on the "Details" link takes you to the map's profile page with further stats about races, formats, types and 1v1 matchups.
    • A new 🆚⁠Matchups page.
      This page lists matchups with summary statistics such as games count, average game length, first and last games.
    • The Players, Maps, Matchups pages also have direct links to list games for each entity.
    • Links to Player and Map profile pages can be shared, just like every other link inside RepMastered™.
    • You may enter multiple players / maps / matchups in the search fields and all will be listed, so you can quickly compare them.
    • Players tab in the Game details now has links to the players' profile pages.
    • Map tab in the Game details now has a link to the map profile page.
May 7, 2020What type is it?

Changes and new features:

  • Added the game type to the Games table.
May 4, 2020Show me the winner!

Changes and new features:

  • Winners and losers are now indicated in the Games table and on the Players bar of the Game details page.
May 1, 2020Improved winner detection!

Changes and new features:

  • Made several improvements to the replay parser engine which now detects winners more accurately and in more cases. Also aligns player's teams, so matchups will be displayed as they should be (e.g. instead of "TZ" you will see "TvZ").
April 28, 2020Take full control of Tags!

Changes and new features:

  • Added the ⚙️⁠Settings page. You can review / edit user settings on this page (requires login).
  • Full Tags support!
    • Extended the builtin system tags: "⬆My Uploads", "❤Favorite", "👍GG", "👎BM", "😂LOL", "😲WOW"
    • Added colors to tags.
    • You can add / edit / delete your own, custom tags which you can fully customize. You can set its colors, and enter a note which gets displayed as a tooltip.
    • The Game details page now contains a Tags bar at the top which lists all tags. Tagging / untagging games is just a single click!
    • You can hide / unhide any tags at any time. Hidden tags are not displayed anywhere, but associated games are kept. You can even hide builtin, system tags.
April 22, 2020New charts!

Changes and new features:

  • Added this 📰⁠News page.
  • New Build Orders chart. It visualizes builds and their build times (duration) over time.
  • New Strategy chart. It is similar to the Build Orders chart. For now it displays the following strategy actions: Expand (when Nexus, CC or Hatchery is built), Defense (when Bunker, Cannon, Sunken or Spore is built), Drop (when unload commands are given), Recall, Scan, Nuke (when Nuke is launched) and Nydus (when Nydus is built).
April 17, 2020Public launch of RepMastered™!

Following my survey just a couple of weeks ago about creating an online replay analyzer / sharing site, I've decided to make it a reality. After a month of work, RepMastered™ is released to the public.

Initial features include:

  • Multi-replay upload: ability to upload a single or multiple replays or an entire folder (recursively)
  • Replay and game detection: already uploaded replays and replays of the same game are detected
  • Comprehensive replay analyzer which includes:
    • Showing key information about the game
    • Presenting highly customizable charts (like APM, Hotkeys)
    • Summary about players
    • An animated map view of the game (showing builds over time)
    • A Build Orders table
    • Chat of the game
    • All of the commands issued by the players during the game
  • Replay tagging: automatic "My Uploads" and manual "Favorites"
  • Passwordless login: based on email and a one-time entry code
  • Sharable pages and links
  • Settings: stored locally in the browser (does not require login)

As a sign of "good faith", I've uploaded all my past replays that I could find. This means more than 12 thousand replays! Most of them is from the age before SC2, and most of them is played on BGH. If you played BGH back in those days, it's likely you're included in some of my games. You can check my main player's profile page here: Dakota_Fanning