# | Name | Total Games |
Included Games ↓ |
Excluded Games |
Record W-L-U |
Win % | Avg APM |
Avg EAPM |
Redun- dancy |
Races | Map classes | Ladders | MMRs Min·Latest·Max |
Time played | Avg play length |
First game | Last game | First game (ago) |
Last game (ago) |
Presence | Links | Lnks |
< Combined players (4) > | 8,832 | 8,307 | 525 | 3,258-3,423-1,626 | 49% | 140 | 122 | 13% | P: 19%, T: 17%, Z: 64% | Low:95%, Big:4%, Fastest:1% | None:93%, Blizz:7% | F965·B1813·B1860 | 71d4h | 12:20 | 2017-04-25 | 2025-02-09 | 7y9M | 2d18h | 7y9M15d | 👨Profile | 👨 | |
1 | ProGamerMatt |
5,853 | 5,449 | 404 | 2,048-2,208-1,193 | 48% | 120 | 98 | 18% | P: 7%, T: 1%, Z: 92% | Low:99% | None:92%, Blizz:8% | E1325·B1813·B1860 | 46d12h | 12:17 | 2017-04-25 | 2025-02-09 | 7y9M | 2d18h | 7y9M15d | 👨Profile, ⚔️Games | 👨 ⚔️ |
2 | EastHampton |
2,602 | 2,493 | 109 | 1,023-1,067-403 | 49% | 181 | 173 | 5% | P: 40%, T: 51%, Z: 9% | Low:87%, Big:10%, Fastest:3% | None:97%, Blizz:3% | D1438·D1508·B1788 | 21d7h | 12:18 | 2020-11-23 | 2025-02-07 | 4y2M | 4d12h | 4y2M15d | 👨Profile, ⚔️Games | 👨 ⚔️ |
3 | Love123456 |
234 | 231 | 3 | 147-60-24 | 71% | 212 | 147 | 30% | P: 42%, T: 26%, Z: 32% | Low:95%, Big:1%, UMS:4% | None:100% | 2d | 12:29 | 2021-04-08 | 2025-02-09 | 3y10M | 3d | 3y10M2d | 👨Profile, ⚔️Games | 👨 ⚔️ | |
4 | vv1llzz |
143 | 134 | 9 | 40-88-6 | 31% | 105 | 98 | 7% | P: 43%, T: 32%, Z: 25% | Low:53%, Big:46%, Fastest:1% | None:67%, Blizz:33% | F965·F1012·C1566 | 1d8h | 14:24 | 2021-01-05 | 2025-01-05 | 4y1M | 1M6d | 4y1d | 👨Profile, ⚔️Games | 👨 ⚔️ |
Tip: If the search results are no more than 50 players, you will see
combined, aggregated statistics of the results with a link to the combined profile page.