# | Class | Name | Total Games |
Included Games ↓ |
Excluded Games |
Record W-L-U |
Win % | Avg APM |
Avg EAPM |
Redun- dancy |
Races | Map classes | Ladders | MMRs Min·Latest·Max |
Time played | Avg play length |
First game | Last game | First game (ago) |
Last game (ago) |
Presence | Links | Lnks |
1 | Human | 3050_Ho-W |
15,998 | 13,631 | 2,367 | 7,541-5,911-179 | 56% | 213 | 154 | 28% | P: 99%, T: 1%, Z: 1% | Low:100% | None:27%, Blizz:73% | D1519·B1841·A2112 | 116d20h | 12:20 | 2019-04-29 | 2024-09-15 | 5y4M | 17h32m | 5y4M17d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
2 | Human | 3050_Leap |
12,601 | 11,477 | 1,124 | 5,753-4,400-1,324 | 57% | 251 | 166 | 34% | P: 100% | Low:100% | None:59%, Blizz:41% | D1526·B1870·A2051 | 112d11h | 14:06 | 2017-10-06 | 2024-08-25 | 6y11M | 21d19h | 6y10M20d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
3 | Human | Dakota_Fanning |
12,570 | 11,154 | 1,416 | 7,931-1,832-1,391 | 81% | 152 | 136 | 11% | P: 33%, T: 33%, Z: 34% | Low:3%, Big:97% | None:99%, BGH_EU:1% | 105d2h | 13:34 | 2004-04-26 | 2024-09-12 | 20y4M | 3d23h | 20y4M17d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
4 | Human | Herbmon |
10,381 | 9,619 | 762 | 4,393-3,017-2,209 | 59% | 299 | 163 | 46% | P: 3%, T: 7%, Z: 89% | Low:89%, Big:2%, Fastest:3%, UMS:6% | None:22%, Blizz:77%, SBat:1% | D1468·B1970·A2195 | 100d9h | 15:01 | 2014-02-23 | 2024-09-15 | 10y6M | 1d2h | 10y6M21d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
5 | Human | Im_a_knife |
9,113 | 9,096 | 17 | 2,727-6,031-338 | 31% | 201 | 160 | 20% | P: 99%, Z: 1% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | F994·D1488·C1706 | 77d18h | 12:18 | 2023-04-08 | 2024-09-15 | 1y5M | 1d1h | 1y5M8d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
6 | Human | Kisiol |
10,201 | 8,665 | 1,536 | 1,971-2,292-4,402 | 46% | 72 | 67 | 8% | P: 35%, T: 42%, Z: 23% | Low:4%, Big:55%, Fastest:9%, UMS:32% | None:100% | 169d15h | 28:11 | 2006-09-28 | 2024-08-27 | 17y11M | 19d9h | 17y11M | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
7 | Human | Claws |
8,394 | 8,392 | 2 | 4,476-3,729-187 | 55% | 241 | 191 | 21% | P: 1%, Z: 99% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | D1500·A2144·S2467 | 53d1h | 09:06 | 2006-11-21 | 2024-08-30 | 17y9M | 16d20h | 17y9M10d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
8 | Human | LivE.SworD |
8,611 | 8,275 | 336 | 3,660-4,368-247 | 46% | 160 | 143 | 10% | P: 50%, T: 24%, Z: 26% | Fastest:100% | None:16%, SCW:84% | 80d8h | 13:59 | 2006-04-05 | 2024-09-06 | 18y5M | 9d22h | 18y5M2d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
9 | Human | 3050_Stark |
7,266 | 6,893 | 373 | 3,502-3,170-221 | 52% | 184 | 154 | 16% | P: 1%, T: 1%, Z: 98% | Low:100% | None:72%, Blizz:28% | C1625·B1888·A2124 | 63d21h | 13:20 | 2020-10-09 | 2024-09-11 | 3y11M | 5d7h | 3y11M3d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
10 | Human | Soviet_Kingdom |
7,729 | 6,716 | 1,013 | 3,360-1,927-1,429 | 64% | 222 | 156 | 30% | P: 71%, T: 19%, Z: 10% | Low:22%, Big:64%, Fastest:1%, UMS:13% | None:88%, Blizz:10%, 24H_BGH:2% | C1684·B1875·A2117 | 60d16h | 13:00 | 2009-09-02 | 2024-09-10 | 15y | 5d21h | 15y9d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
11 | Human | `SouL|aCe |
7,611 | 6,483 | 1,128 | 4,497-1,362-624 | 77% | 261 | 201 | 23% | P: 39%, T: 35%, Z: 26% | Fastest:84%, UMS:15% | None:84%, SCW:16% | 56d4h | 12:28 | 2019-04-10 | 2023-09-15 | 5y5M | 1y | 4y5M6d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
12 | Human | feifei_yan |
6,430 | 6,420 | 10 | 1,817-3,697-906 | 33% | 193 | 166 | 14% | P: 24%, T: 76% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | E1221·E1355·B1804 | 50d15h | 11:21 | 2023-01-31 | 2024-09-15 | 1y7M | 1d4h | 1y7M16d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
13 | Human | meinhold |
6,132 | 6,121 | 11 | 3,136-2,955-30 | 51% | 271 | 155 | 43% | T: 100% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | D1500·B2013·S2276 | 59d6h | 13:56 | 2021-04-17 | 2024-08-31 | 3y4M | 15d14h | 3y4M15d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
14 | Human | GanGstEr]D.U.P. |
6,152 | 6,041 | 111 | 3,163-2,810-68 | 53% | 215 | 182 | 16% | P: 56%, T: 22%, Z: 22% | Fastest:100% | None:4%, SCW:96% | 63d1h | 15:01 | 2018-04-29 | 2024-07-13 | 6y4M | 2M3d | 6y2M15d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
15 | Human | blacklbz |
6,043 | 6,037 | 6 | 2,498-3,412-127 | 42% | 250 | 209 | 16% | P: 100% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | D1533·B1770·A2049 | 50d17h | 12:06 | 2022-01-08 | 2024-09-15 | 2y8M | 21h16m | 2y8M8d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
16 | Human | SHimmer[ReV] |
6,829 | 5,929 | 900 | 1,935-3,455-539 | 36% | 111 | 102 | 9% | P: 48%, Z: 52% | Low:100% | None:27%, Blizz:73% | F922·E1255·D1501 | 47d21h | 11:37 | 2020-01-07 | 2024-08-30 | 4y8M | 16d10h | 4y7M24d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
17 | Human | Rage[gK] |
5,910 | 5,873 | 37 | 2,694-3,078-101 | 47% | 152 | 129 | 15% | P: 81%, T: 10%, Z: 9% | Fastest:100% | None:3%, SCW:96% | 58d13h | 14:21 | 2018-08-20 | 2024-09-11 | 6y | 5d1h | 6y23d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
18 | Human | 2Pacalypse- |
7,295 | 5,859 | 1,436 | 3,418-1,501-940 | 69% | 172 | 116 | 33% | P: 48%, T: 28%, Z: 24% | Low:41%, Big:58%, UMS:1% | None:100% | 51d17h | 12:42 | 2001-03-04 | 2022-03-07 | 23y6M | 2y6M | 21y4d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 | |
19 | Human | ufjfyd |
5,805 | 5,782 | 23 | 3,569-1,879-334 | 66% | 173 | 146 | 16% | T: 100% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | E1294·B1846·B1940 | 46d20h | 11:39 | 2022-01-20 | 2024-09-15 | 2y7M | 19h13m | 2y7M27d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
20 | Human | Hecho_en_Mejico |
5,862 | 5,697 | 165 | 4,608-974-115 | 83% | 179 | 140 | 22% | P: 44%, T: 28%, Z: 28% | Low:100% | Blizz:100% | F1125·E1370·C1606 | 51d18h | 13:04 | 2017-08-24 | 2024-09-14 | 7y | 1d9h | 7y22d | 👨Profile, 📹Games | 👨 📹 |
Tip: If the search results are no more than 50 players, you will see
combined, aggregated statistics of the results with a link to the combined profile page.